Drill Baby, Drill

“Drill, Baby, Drill!”

California can help solve its budget crisis by selling oil leases, proposes Assemblyman Chuck DeVore.  His proposal would create a state board to consider leases off the California coast.  DeVore estimates that his plan would help create thousands of good-paying jobs, and help plug $16 billion of the state’s $21 billion deficit through tax prepayments.

“Allowing new offshore leases under this plan prevents cuts to education, public safety and other government services,” says DeVore.  He hopes his plan will help repair the state’s budget and economy, and lessen dependence on foreign oil.  His plan would use slant drilling techniques to reach the estimated 1 billion barrels of oil off California’s coast.  Use of slant drilling would mean that no new offshore platforms would need to be constructed.

DeVore’s plan comes even as environmentalist lawsuits threaten California’s renewable energy plans.  Companies seeking to develop alternative energy sources (solar, wind and geothermal) are facing legal challenges from environmentalists.  These lawsuits will likely cause years of delay, expense, and soaring California energy prices as providers seek to comply with the state’s renewable energy mandates.

DeVore’s plan may offer a stopgap measure that can help ease the state budget deficit and provide needed jobs.  Unfortunately, if the past is any indicator, the state’s environmentalist puritans will choose to wallow in high unemployment, high taxes, and massive deficits.

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