Home Stretch for Saving the Fair!

You’ve probably already read about Governor Schwarzenegger’s rebuff of the Costa Mesa contingent who went up to Sacramento yesterday to get him to stop the sale of the Fairgrounds.  Of course Arnold’s position of wanting to “keep the fair a fair” while still selling the property to the highest bidders, with inducements to develop it commercially, just to cover a tiny fraction of Sacramento’s black hole of debt, is pure politician’s hogwash.  It was sheer optimism to expect more of him actually, as the sale was his idea to begin with, and was railroaded through by his friends and appointees on the Fair Board.  But it’s still worth letting him know what you think, Phone 916-445-2841, Fax 916-558-3160 – it’s still not over!  Our message is:  There is NO SAFE SALE, and SIGN AB 1590 when it passes!

And that brings us to

our real line of defense, José Solorio’s AB 1590, which will be voted on next week.  We have four days left to convince these seven OC holdouts to support José’s bill;  their support will be enough to force this sale to a halt and save the Fairgrounds.  All you Orange County readers who want to stop this swindle have FOUR DAYS to e-mail, fax, and phone each of these seven lawmakers (all of whom are on the fence or even tending to support us, but just need a little more pressure.)  Print out this post as a checklist for the next four days (so they get an even, steady flow of input) – Seven decent but uncommitted lawmakers, three means of communicating with them, twenty-one tiny little tasks.  Click on their names to send them e-mails now, then print out their phone numbers to call at your leisure this week, and also fax them (which you can do for free at  both  https://faxzero.com/ and GotFreeFax.com)  Back AB 1590, Derail the Tainted Sale!

Senator Lou Correa  916-651-4034, FAX 714-558-4111
Sen. Tom Harman   916-651-4035, FAX 916-445-9263
Senator Mark Wyland   916-651-4038, FAX 916-446-7382
Senator Bob Huff   916-651-4029, FAX 916-324-0922
Assemblyman Jeff Miller 916-319-2071, FAX 916-319-2171
Assemblyman Tony Mendoza  916-319-2056, FAX 916-319-2156
Assemblyman Curt Hagman  916-319-2060, FAX 916-319-2160

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at vernpnelson@gmail.com, or 714-235-VERN.