Seriously hilarious! RNC Chairman Michael Steele has gone rogue on the GOP. Under his leadership, the GOP campaign warchest has been spent down from 23 million dollars to 9 million. Steele secretly wrote a book that GOP leadership found out about after Steele announced it on TV. Steele is telling everyone that the GOP candidates are gonna get their butts handed to them in the 2010 elections…. and MORE! Is Michael Steele a Liberal “Plant” or is he just insane? Oh, and Newt Gingrich backs up Steele is a surprising little twist to the story. Click the video clip and find out why Bald is the new Black!
From the "Fear and Loathing / Closer to the Edge" substack blog : Senator Jeff Merkley walked into the…
Steele is (at best) ineffective and (at worst) damaging. He needs to go.
Steele is (at best) ineffective and (at worst) damaging. He needs to go.
Whaaaat? You mean HiP Hop and DLHugley spots aren’t the magic bullets to fix the GOP? lmao!
What do you make of Newt Gingrich teaming up with Steele’s vision for the new GOP?
Steele has the same problem that every moderate Republican in this country has…being a member of a party that allows itself to be controlled by a lunatic fringe that hasn’t learned how to get in touch with the pulse of where the country as a whole is at.
MLKJ week is a wonderful time for kids to learn about the dangers of affirmative action. Use Steele as an example to teach your kids what a liberal in Republican clothing looks like.
The Republicans in their usual dishonesty, tried to rent them a “boy” to trick people into thinking the party was “inclusive”. Maybe Steele got tired of being called “Boy” all the time. Now Steele’s antics distress party leaders, but they seem too afraid to even fire his incompetent butt for fear of being called unfair racists!
It’s just a laugh a minute with the Republicans, imo! Maybe they can get Rushbo to do the job of firing Steele, lol!
Zombie Reagan raised from the dead to become the new party leader: from the Onion
Steele a liberal?
This is exactly the lunatic fringe point of view (completely lacking in any grounding in reality) that I was talking about. Someone inahabits a space even a LITTLE bit to the left of the lunatic fringe and it makes them a liberal. Ridiculous.
The Republicans have troubles with a capital T.
The GOP knows they have to reign in and control the lunatics ( aka; the Teabaggers) or risk election oblivion, to that end, it looks like they are going after their queen; Sarah Palin. Check out Andrew Sullivan’s Blog or Palingates for the scoop on the scuttling of Sarah P.
i see the angry anoster comes out .wow all the troubles we are having today its all the reps fault right hmmm massive spending .you own all 3 houses and its the reps fault . i guess you got stevie wonder snydrome.
Can you show us where anonster said that “all the troubles we are having today its (sic) all the reps fault”?
Please, learn how to read.
Thanks for the suggestions on where to catch up on O’Sarah. She’s quite the mess-maker. I saw a news clip that her teen daughter is now going to run a PR firm. Hmmmmm. Wonder what that’s all about.
Good article about Michael Steele at the Daily Beast;
Sarah Palin’s new name on the blogs; Granny Grifter.
In my opinion, Sarah Palin has no future in politics, she knows it (that’s why she quit as Gov.) and is just trying to make as much money as fast as she can before her various scandals destroy her. Bristol’s “PR firm” is just part of the grift.
Speaking of Ms. Palin, Andrew Sullivan is doing a nice job of chronicling all her lies and distortions…and it’s becoming quite a list.
gee lets see post 10 so to you as a far left lib waco like you since you agree with anoster if you disagree with a dem you are called a lunatic HIS OWN WORDS . I LOVE THESE LIBS LIKE YOU WHO THINK THEIR YOU KNOW WHAT DOSE NOT STINK and you think you are better han everyone else .