Private investigator Bill Hunt opposes Baugh’s anti-union mandate

Bill Hunt loves racists and organized labor

Bill Hunt, a former O.C. Deputy Sheriff and current private investigator, announced today in an email that he is essentially opposed to OC GOP Chairman Scott Baugh’s request that local Republican candidates disavow union support.

Hunt is running for O.C. Sheriff. He lost to disgraced former Sheriff Mike Carona a couple of years ago.

Here is Hunt’s email message:

There was a column in the Orange County Register on January 19, 2010 regarding the recent OC GOP Central Committee meeting which stated that I otherwise “stood up” and stated that I would “abide by the Baugh mandate”. This column was then copied and recirculated as if these assertions were fact. These assertions are completely incorrect and a misinterpretation of the statements I made and the positions I hold. I followed up with the author of this column and on January 23, 2010 send to that author the following email:

“I just reviewed your January 19 column and I take issue with the statement that I said I would abide by Baugh’s mandate. This is inaccurate. The position taken by Mr. Baugh would appear to chill the First Amendment rights of the candidates and the individual members of unions and associations. Particularly in view of the recent United States Supreme Court decision, (McCain-Feingold). Secondly, you may recall that I commented in reference to Baugh’s speech that “I have been making those speeches for the last 5 years,” emphasizing my long standing concern for fiscal responsibility in County government. The fiscal decisions and political endorsements made by the past and current OC GOP leadership are the reason that this county is on the verge of its second bankruptcy in 15 years. I for one refuse to be led down that path. The rank and file deputy sheriff’s endorsed me in 2006 and again in 2008 not because they saw me as an advocate for their salaries and benefits but because they believe in my leadership and vision for the future of the Sheriff’s Department. I would be highly honored to have the endorsement of the AOCDS on the same terms that I would accept any other endorsement, because they believe I am the right candidate for the office. As you know the Sheriff is a non-partisan office that must represent all of the people in this county. The sheriff doesn’t negotiate pensions between the Association and the County. That was and remains a function of the Orange County Board of Supervisors.

Thank you for your Courtesy.

Bill Hunt

Having no timely retraction by the Orange County Register, this post follows. The GOP establishment continues in their claims that they are somehow in alliance with the new found independants. I just don’t see that yet nor do I expect any change.

To view the column, click here.

About Art Pedroza