The City of Santa Ana is presenting two community meetings this month regarding the “Station District” development, on January 14th and 21st at 6:30 p.m., at St. Joseph Church, in their Parish Hall.
The meetings are about improvements proposed for the Santa Ana neighborhood located between the train station and civic center.
Station District Goals and Objectives:
- Global Vision for The Station District
- Enhancing Public Spaces and Streets
- Linking Neighborhoods & Business with Public Transit
- Providing Local Retail Services
- Incorporating High Quality Architecture
- Providing a Variety of Housing Types: For-Rent & For-Sale Homes with a Range of Affordability
Continue reading Santa Ana Station District community meetings coming up on Jan. 14 and 21
Should not the Santa Ana Soccer stadium be located in the highlighted area east of the train station?
Freeway access, car pool access, train and metro link access, bus access, arterial street access. Seems to be a better location than a residential land locked golf course, next to a mostly dry river bed and abandoned red line right of way.
How is the Station District any different from the Rennaisance Plan? Or did they swap shades of lipstick for the pig?
I’m so glad they are finally allowing the community access to our city. I just watched a re-run of a council meeting and saw Claudia Alvarez brutalize an old man who was trying to help his neighbor with a water bill.
The location itself smacks of payback for SAPD covering up Fr. Cesars Nasty Deeds.
You can always count on Rob Richardson to show up at Mass when there is Political Capitol involved.
You have it right. The Station District IS Renaissance Specific Plan II.
In a stunning development the City has intends to apply the zone changes of the RSP, with some modifications, into the Station District Plan.
Additionally, these zone changes will be effective throughout the entire 420 acre boundaries of the original plan.
Keep in mind that the zone changes are key to the Renaissance Plan. IMO the zone changes are 90% of the Renaissance Plan.
The Station District has morphed into the Renaissance Specific Plan.
How long will this mtg. run? For those of us that have other commitments== roughly? 2 hrs?
Just in Time,
I would say 2 hrs. max most likely.
What is your interest in all of this? What do you hope happens with these meetings? What’s your dream for this area’s future?
OC Register Doug Irving article regarding Station District / Renaissance Plan:
The Future is Now,
My primary interest is the business and property and my family owns within the Renaissance Plan zone change area.
As a resident of Santa Ana I would like for our City to progress and develope to the excellent potential which is there.
I hope the meetings will provide useful information to the residents, property owners and businesses who will be affected by the Renaissance Plan zone changes and the Station District plans – and that the meetings will allow for meaningful community input – and that the City will be accountable to respond to that input.
This sounds like an effort to undo the damage done to the area back in the 70’s when the city fathers encouraged what was going to be the gentrification of that area by the building of 3 story condo’s. Look at those condo’s (many of which are now apartments) today and you see over crowding, blight and poverty. So, is Santa Ana ready to roll the dice on someone’s “vision” again?
Tue Jan 12, 2010
Hey Art,
While some are folks are rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, I have a little news flash. Check out the O.C. Register Local section print edition today. Page One headline; 12-YEAR OLD SHOT IN HIS BED RECOVERING, page 2:TEEN INJURED BY GUNMAN IN SANTA ANA, and MAN STABBED, ROBBED WHILE WALKING, and TWO MEN ATTACK, ROB 23-YEAR-OLD IN PARK.
You can hold feel good meetings until the cows come home but Santa Ana is in BIG trouble. I’m not sure which is more depressing, the increase in crime in Tiajuana or Santa Ana. Both were places I once enjoyed.
To Been Around & SA Proud,
Having attended a bus tour Saturday of 4 similar projects, albeit arranged & guided by the City and developer – IF the City has learned from their past mistakes AND will hold the developer accountable – from the project examples I saw, this could be a good project.
There are major kinks to work out – open space (parks) – community facilities – affordable housing – historic preservation – and more. We are a long way from full community support of the Station District (Renaissance Plan II) but it does seem workable.
Attend the community meetings to get your 2 cents in.