There is already a Vietnam War Memorial in Westminster. Should the O.C. Supervisors spend $350K for another one in Midway City?
Orange County Supervisor Janet Nguyen, who represents Santa Ana, in the First Supervisorial District, is presenting a motion this Tuesday, at the O.C. Board of Supervisors’ meeting, to spend $350,000 on a historical memorial dedicated to American and Vietnamese history. The memorial is to be located at the Roger Stanton Park in Midway City.
Is it a good idea to spend a third of a million dollars on a memorial during a recession? Many Orange County workers are out of work due to the state budget crisis. And thousands of Nguyen’s constituents are suffering as well.
There is a park shortage in Santa Ana. Couldn’t the $350,000 be used to build a mini-park? Santa Ana has more young people than any other city in Orange County.
How does spending so much on a memorial really serve the people of the First District?
Click here to read the rest of this post.
Whoa! Janet’s buying votes again?
What the F? That park is a dump (drive by and get a photo for O.J. and you will see!)And why would they name a park after the guy who help put the O.C. into B.K.?
If this $350,000. were used to create new park space and/or upgrade existing equipment it would make more sense. Supervisor Nguyen did put in new senior exercise equipment for the Senior Center, and upgraded equipment at other locations in Garden Grove.
Why not do the same for Midway City and Santa Ana?
How about building a huge $350,000 Bronze Buddha in the park with the face of Roger Stanton?
Westminster has a beautiful memorial at Sid Goldstein Park. The city council worked with private donors to raise the money for the project.
#2 is right.
Spend the $350K on fertilizer and paint, fix a sprinkler or 5 and you have at least a decent urban green space.
This move is exhibit A on how out of touch this Supervisor is with the people of her district. A better testament to the Viet-American would be a clean spray paint filled park for all to enjoy.
what goes around comes around-Go janet spend it! if the hispanics activists hate it, i am all for it. least the money is going to a cause and not welfare!
spend it girl!
Ken Lopez Maddox,
Great point. This new memorial is what, five minutes away from the old one?
Supervisor Nguyen is looking like a one term Supervisor…
Agreed, the current memoral is great, I think that Ken’s idea on this is sound. The park he ( Ken ) proposes could be done as an upgrade to the current disaster of a park in Midway City and more than likely leave some money left over to expand or upgrade other parks.
Told you she is brainless!
I need to spill my coffee again.
Let’s get that famous picture of her up again. I need a good laugh this a.m
The larger problem here is the continued existence of Midway City as an unincorporated area. It should be annexed by Westminster.
The current arrangement really serves nobody’s interest.
Art, can you post an overhead image of the park in its urban context?
Hopefully someone like Moorlach will challenge Janet on this boondoggle. District perogative or not, this waste of taxpayer money is galling especially in light of all the programs the county is cutting or will be cutting in the next budget year.
cut,cut,cut!!! best idea ever!
Just in Time..if you did not notice she has a head and therefore she has a brain. I dont’ agree with her politically, but i am sure she is quite smart since she has done very well for herself as an immigrant (could it be ethnocentric envy on your part?)
Also i am sure you are no oil painting either. Put your picture up and give me a giggle!.
that huge picture of fugly is pretty ugly!!!
it makes me crack up!!!
you know you think its hilarious too!!!!!!:)
ethnocentric envy??
Irish lady, I am very VERY good looking!!!! But I am more proud of my intelligence.
I think you should invite fugly to the pub and maybe we can get a funnier head shot. LOL
Irish lady, I am very VERY good looking!!!! But I am more proud of my intelligence.
“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”,
So how intelligent is it to assume that all think your good looking??
if your skinny your considered ugly in some countries and if your blump your considered fat and ugly here… So calling someone ugly, because you consider her ugly is not very well thought out – not very intelligent, is it??
I don’t care to talk about my looks, because i consider being vain very well air headed.
Ms. Nguyen should seek approval of her colleagues to offer a $ 25,000 challenge grant from the county if the broader community will undertake a fund raising project to get the job done. Monuments such as this are best funded not by government, but by the community. Even the Dana statue in Dana Point Harbor was funded that way (40 years ago).
Michelle told Just in Time:
“Also i am sure you are no oil painting either. Put your picture up and give me a giggle!.”
Just responding intelligently to your usual shallow and uninformed remarks.
MQ said: “So how intelligent is it to assume that all think your [you’re] good looking??”
I’m not conceited, I’m convinced- I am, with no doubt, extremely good looking! and since you asked- I responded– otherwise I would have never mentioned it; for I am rather humble and discreet about my awareness and certainty when it comes to my “good looks”. This has nothing to do with vanity. and Michelle, you’ve read my comments on this blog–evidence of my superior intellectual gifts & blessings are prevalent throughout LOL
MQ said:
“So calling someone ugly, because you consider her ugly is not very well thought out – not very intelligent, is it??
-not a valid indicator of either the presence or absence of intelligence, Michelle. Simply an opinion which others may or may not share with me. Some may say this is just an ugly picture,while others may say she is less ugly in person. Either way, who cares.
Unless Art wants to validate this question with a quick on line vote- rating Nguyen’s physical appearance:
Vote for only 1:
1) it is just a bad picture
2) she is gorgeous, but not photogenic…
3) she is an advocate for legalizing marijuana
4) Michelle Quinn dragged her to the Irish Pub with her…
Check this out…
The Vietnam Memorial at the Sid Goldstein park in Westminster is less than two miles away from Roger Stanton Park in Midway City
I’m not conceited, I’m convinced- I am, with no doubt, extremely good looking! and since you asked-
Just responding intelligently to your usual shallow and uninformed remarks.
Are you any relation to the Hiltons?
comments on this blog–evidence of my superior intellectual gifts & blessings are prevalent throughout LOL
Now i know who has the Magic mirror!
not a valid indicator of either the presence or absence of intelligence,
I suggest you show your intelligent side more than your ugly sister side. NO one likes an ice queen!
I say we vote on how cold and mean your comments are:
1. complete witch
2. some what a cold witch
3. shallow
4. not out of high school yet
I think the memorial is a neat idea!
This idea is clearly a political pull. She must have some kind of set up with the artist that is making the monument. One hand washes the other…I’m an Vietnamese American, and I don’t care if there is or isn’t a monument in a park. The money should be spent on area’s that is most needed, like fund a tutoring center, or a job center. It would suck if a person that lost their job because of a stupid political statement. Who’s hand are you trying to wash…
Subject: Get our Freedom Park back to our Vietnamese Community
To Major Rice and Janet Nguyen,
The VN WAR Memorial Park near City of Westminster is not the regular public site that anyone can use for they own personal political gain. More than ten year ago, We attended the public concert to raise money to build this park, the event took whole day on the vacant lot in the place of our Freedom park now resides. Thousand of Vietnamese from every where in the country emptied their pocket money to raise few hundred thousand dollars (final cost is $1.2 Million) to build the park and hoping some day we can visit the park on Black April to remember our suffering, sorrow, and thank you to America saving our lives. So, this PARK IS NOW PARTIALLY BELONG TO OUR VIETNAMESE COMMUNITY to use on the most important day of this park.
Major Rice, please help us to get the fairness to our community.
Janet, how much money did you contribute to build the park?
Have you ever lived in City of Westminster?
And now you want to take advantage of the loop hole in City of Westminster that allowing anyone to reserve and use the park in any day of the year especially our sacred April 30 – the Lost of Saigon day.
Janet, get lost, let our Community Leader handle the ceremony and you will be invite as the guest speaker of OC Supervisor as you’re usually done so in the past of many years.
We prepare for JANET NGUYEN IMPEACHMENT letter on April 30, 2010 to fight for our freedom and democracy that we have in this country.
To fellow Vietnamese, please join us at the event on on April 30 weekend to show your support and to FIGHT the RIGHT for the Freedom Park in the City of Westminster by signing IMPEACH JANET NOW! form.
Thank You