The second oldest profession

Why does the left despise your freedom so? The left is in an uproar over the Supreme Court’s decision to protect political speech in Citizens United, with some comparing the decision to Dred Scott.  Before we join the chorus against “too much money in politics”, we should recognize that the problem is “too much money in government” (Washington and elsewhere). The answer is less government, not less freedom.

Our problem is too much government for sale. When government regulates the buying and selling of things, says P.J. O’Rourke, the first thing for sale is the lawmakers.  Complaining that there is too much money in politics is like complaining that we are overcrowded with whores because there is too much money in the whorehouse.  As Ronald Reagan said, “It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first.”  If you want fewer whores, build a smaller whorehouse.

The left’s attack on the decision and Chief Justice John Roberts is pure Saul Alinksy.  They are attempting to marginalize Roberts, comparing him to Dred Scott‘s Justice Taney. This deception obscures the fact that the “swing voter”, libertarian Justice Anthony Kennedy, penned the majority opinion (not Roberts). The comparison to Dred Scott is Orwellian (“Freedom is slavery”) in that Citizens United protected freedom, while Dred Scott protected slavery.

We have less to fear of enslavement from corporations than we do from government.  The left has relentlessly expanded the problem of “too much money in government”, with the Obama administration massively expanding its size and reach.  Obama and the Democrats have socialized the auto industry (to benefit their union allies), enriched their Wall Street friends (Goldman Sachs, AIG), and quadrupled the debt, putting future generations in servitude.  Their mock outrage at “too much money in politics” is a Big Lie.

If you want to “take the money out of politics”, take the money out of government.  And, remember that the left’s answer is always more state power and less freedom.

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