Drip, Drip, Drip. That’s the sound of inevitability. A tale of corruption here, a tale of prostitution there, charges of perjury and vote corruption here and there. That’s the tale of ACORN.
A little background. The Working Families Party is the not-disguised political front for unions, socialists, communists and progressives who for one reason or another have not found the Democrat Party to be radical enough. The embattled ACORN CEO, Bertha Lewis, has stepped down as New York State co-chair of WFP as it prepares to go to New York Federal Court in Staten Island on charges of voter registration fraud, vote fraud, election tampering, etc…
Really, the sum of it is this. The WFP is the political arm of Data & Field Services Corporation. That’s right. Socialists and Communists are tied up with corporatism.
Suffice it to say, money going back and forth between a Political party and a for-profit corporation is a big no-no. No public disclosure. No regulation. Nada. Just the way the backdoor boys in the Unions and Socialist Anarchy groups like it. Right in the backdoor. Top that off with money going back and forth between the two and a “non-profit” organization like ACORN and you have public grants going to city council candidates, union money going unaccountably to state elections, and it all spells fraud, fraud and, oh yeah, FRAUD.
Working Families fundraising has continued apace amid the recent scrutiny, though the January filing shows the Party with just $182,000 in its state account. This includes a $10,000 contribution from Rep. Jerry Nadler ($10,000) and $5,000 each from Gov. David Paterson and Assembly Speaker Shelly Silver.
So your Democrat party is not far removed from this scoundrel bunch. They are trying to bring the WFP to California, like it doesn’t have enough problems. Watch your local election ballots!
from Bertha:
Dear Vern,
Wow! Since Wednesday over 10,000 of you have inundated the Attorneys General offices in California and Maryland, demanding they conduct thorough investigations into the illegal videotaping James O’Keefe carried out as he stalked ACORN offices across the country. I am amazed. Amazed and energized by how many of you are willing to stand up and demand justice be done.
But that’s not all. Since Wednesday, new details have emerged. Reports in Salon.com [1] and the Washington Independent [2] have linked James O’Keefe to white supremacist activities. These offer new opportunities to expose the attack media for what it really is – a corporate-funded means of derailing the change working families are demanding. And one willing to use the most manipulative tactics wielded by the most unsavory of characters to achieve its goals.
ACORN’s campaign to have O’Keefe properly investigated is part of an effort to expose the attackers for who they really are. And we need your help to keep it going. Can you chip-in $52 to help us keep the pressure on O’Keefe and his corporate paymasters?
I wish I could say otherwise, but the reality is that the attacks engineered by O’Keefe, which have now possibly taken on a disturbing racial aspect, have had an impact that is far beyond that of the subsequent investigations that revealed no wrong-doing on ACORN’s part. [3] I won’t even say anything about the rush to judgment spurred by heavily edited and manipulated videos and a press corps that failed to question the basic methods and motives behind O’Keefe’s actions.
The Sting the Stinger campaign is helping to expose the O’Keefe attacks for what they really are and helping progressives fight back against the relentless attacks on an agenda that puts the needs of Main Street above the needs of Wall Street. We need your help to keep fighting so working families facing foreclosure can keep their homes, unemployed families can get jobs, and the Wall Street bankers who got us into this economic trainwreck are held accountable. Can you help keep the fight going by chipping in whatever you can afford?
The truth is that ACORN was targeted by because of the good work we do. We helped raise the minimum wage in five states at the ballot box from 2004-06; the momentum from those campaigns helped win a national raise in 2007. Since 2004, ACORN brought $190 million into low- and moderate-income communities through the tax refunds from our free tax preparation centers. And according to a study by the New Organizing Institute (NOI), an estimated 865,000 people cast ballots in 2008 that had been successfully registered by ACORN since 2004. With the stark choices facing our country, there is no question that those voters will need to be reached again in advance of the 2010 mid-term elections.
The smear campaign initiated by O’Keefe has allowed attacks not just on ACORN’s good work, but on all aspects of the change agenda. All corporate forces have to do now is imply that a person, organization, or policy has some past association with ACORN and it becomes a lightning rod for more smears from the corporate-funded attack media.
However, the Sting the Stinger campaign is helping show that the initial attacks on ACORN were nothing more than cynical propaganda driven by irrational hate in the service of a corporate agenda of Wall Street greed ahead of Main Street recovery. Help us keep engaging working families in low-income communities in the fights to create Green Job opportunities, win foreclosure prevention aid, and resurrect the health care bill, by making a contribution of whatever you can afford.
With your help we can expose the corporate-backed anti-Main Street agenda behind O’Keefe’s sleaze and step up the fight for a progressive pro-Main Street agenda that helps families get jobs, stay in their homes, achieve health care reform, and holds Wall Street accountable for destroying the economy and derailing the change that the American people are demanding.
Let’s make sure that working families have a strong voice in 2010.
In solidarity and strength,
Bertha Lewis
ACORN CEO and Chief Organizer
“Let’s make sure that working families have a strong voice in 2010.
In solidarity and strength,
Bertha Lewis
ACORN CEO and Chief Organizer”.
Wow Vern,
Whats it like to be hailed by the corrupt..
To Miss Bertha!
The only families you help is the ACON (ACORN) Family and that mean’s you and your cohorts… Wise up, close up shop and sleeze down to the gutter where you belong – and take the ACON founders with you…
Not one more dime of taxpayer money to this bunch of scumbags!
Hey Quinn! Where ya been! You’re in my last Acorn story, ya know…