Oy vey! A bunch of migrant activists, led by Naui Huitzilopochtli, decided to visit the recent Tea Party in Laguna Hills – in their Acorn shirts of course! Very entertaining…
And here is another one for good measure:
Oy vey! A bunch of migrant activists, led by Naui Huitzilopochtli, decided to visit the recent Tea Party in Laguna Hills – in their Acorn shirts of course! Very entertaining…
And here is another one for good measure:
The part 2 Republican guy is annoying for sure. Part 1 is funny as hell. these guys are my Heros!!
God, these people are really ignorant and misinformed. You can tell they ALL watch Faux News.
Naui sure has a knack for poking fun with these people. I’ve seen some of his and Vron interviews with some of these people it is hilarious.
Naui is a superstar in the making! One day we will all say we knew him when he got started…
Ironic that super-courageous Naui says he’s going into a den of skinheads…
… and then the speakers are first, a black guy, and second, a Jew.