Code Pink will be protesting our wars tomorrow, Wednesday, February 17, from 5:30pm – 7:00pm, at the Orange Circle, at Chapman and Glassell. There is ample free parking, but leave early to avoid traffic.
Click here to see a map.
Here is a note from the organizers of this protest:
Let’s stand in solidarity with Code Pink OC who has been hosting this regular vigil/protest for years! Now that we are wary of Obama going forward like gangbusters w/ OUR agenda, isn’t it time we got back to doing what only we can do anyway? Make Change!
Please stand w/ our brothers and sisters this Wednesday at 5:30 at the Orange Circle at Chapman and Glassell Plenty of free parking. Travel early due to rush hour traffic. Better yet, carpool! (Remember: real men …)Wear Pink! 😉 Hope to see you all there!
I did read today, that the number of troops in Iraq dropped below 100,000, that’s the lowest number since 2003 and we’re on-track to be out by 2011.
That “quick and easy war”, 10 years and a trillion dollars, and UNTOLD DEATH and DESTRUCTION for NOTHING!
I’m a Republican Vet but I’m glad they are protesting. I’ve had enough of these wars. Bring our troops home.
Forgot to say ; CODE PINK ROCKS!
Here’s some excerpts from an interesting article;
Cheney Admits to War Crimes, Media Yawns, Obama Turns the Other Cheek
Monday 15 February 2010
by: Jason Leopold, t r u t h o u t | News Analysis
Dick Cheney is a sadist.
On Sunday, in an exclusive interview with Jonathan Karl of ABC News’ “This Week,” Cheney proclaimed his love of torture, derided the Obama administration for outlawing the practice, and admitted that the Bush White House ordered Justice Department attorneys to fix the law around the administration’s policy interests.
“I was a big supporter of waterboarding,” Cheney told Karl, as if he were issuing a challenge to officials in the current administration, including President Barack Obama, who said flatly last year that waterboarding is torture, to take action against him. “I was a big supporter of the enhanced interrogation techniques…”
The former vice president’s declaration closely follows admissions he made in December 2008, about a month before the Bush administration exited the White House, when he said he personally authorized the torture of 33 suspected terrorist detainees and approved the waterboarding of three so-called “high-value” prisoners.
“I signed off on it; others did, as well, too,” Cheney said in an interview with the right-wing Washington Times about the waterboarding, a drowning technique where a person is strapped to a board, his face covered with a cloth and then water is poured over it. It is a torture technique dating back at least to the Spanish Inquisition.
The US has long treated waterboarding as a war crime and has prosecuted Japanese soldiers for using it against US troops during World War II. And Ronald Reagan’s Justice Department prosecuted a Texas sheriff and three deputies for using the practice to get confessions.
But Cheney’s admissions back then, as well as those he made on Sunday, went unchallenged by Karl and others in the mainstream media. Indeed, the two major national newspapers–The New York Times and The Washington Post–characterized Cheney’s interview as a mere spat between the vice president and the Obama administration over the direction of the latter’s counterterrorism and national security policies.
The Times and Post did not report that Cheney’s comments about waterboarding and his enthusiastic support of torturing detainees amounted to an admission of war crimes given that the president has publicly stated that waterboarding is torture.
Ironically, in March 2003, after Iraqi troops captured several US soldiers and let them be interviewed on Iraqi TV, senior Bush administration officials expressed outrage over this violation of the Geneva Convention.
“If there is somebody captured,” President George W. Bush told reporters on March 23, 2003, “I expect those people to be treated humanely. If not, the people who mistreat the prisoners will be treated as war criminals.”
Nor did the Times or Post report that the “enhanced interrogation techniques” Cheney backed was, in numerous cases, administered to prisoners detained at Guantanamo and in detention centers in Iraq and Afghanistan who were innocent and simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. The torture methods that Cheney helped implement as official policy was also directly responsible for the deaths of at least 100 detainees.
Renowned human rights attorney and Harper’s magazine contributor Scott Horton said, “Section 2340A of the federal criminal code makes it an offense to torture or to conspire to torture. Violators are subject to jail terms or to death in appropriate cases, as where death results from the application of torture techniques.”
In addition to Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder said during his confirmation hearing last year that waterboarding is torture.
“Dick Cheney wants to be prosecuted. And prosecutors should give him what he wants,” Horton wrote in a Harper’s dispatch Monday.
Karl also made no mention of the fact that the CIA’s own watchdog concluded in a report declassified last year that the torture of detainees Cheney signed off on did not result in any actionable intelligence nor did it thwart any imminent attacks on the United States. To the contrary, torture led to bogus information, wrongful elevated threat warnings, and undermined the war-crimes charges against Mohammed al-Qahtani, the alleged “20th hijacker” in the 9/11 attacks because the evidence against him was obtained through torture.
Karl also failed to call out Cheney on a statement the former vice president made during his interview in which he suggested the policy of torture was carried out only after the Bush administration told Justice Department attorneys it wanted the legal justification to subject suspected al-Qaeda prisoners to brutal interrogation methods.
Cheney told Karl that he continues to be critical of the Obama administration “because there were some things being said, especially after we left office, about prosecuting CIA personnel that had carried out our counterterrorism policy or disbarring lawyers in the Justice Department who had — had helped us put those policies together, and I was deeply offended by that, and I thought it was important that some senior person in the administration stand up and defend those people who’d done what we asked them to do.”
In an interview with Karl on December 15, 2008, Cheney made a similar comment, which Karl also allowed to go unchallenged, stating that the Bush administration “had the Justice Department issue the requisite opinions in order to know where the bright lines were that you could not cross.”
Bush’s Key Line of Defense Destroyed
Those statements, both on Sunday and in his December 2008 interview with Karl, destroys a key line in the Bush administration’s defense against war crimes charges. For years, Cheney and other Bush administration officials pinned their defense on the fact that they had received legal advice from Justice Department lawyers that the brutal interrogations of “war on terror” detainees did not constitute torture or violate other laws of war.
Cheney’s statements, however, would suggest that the lawyers were colluding with administration officials in setting policy, rather than providing objective legal analysis.
In fact, as I reported last year, an investigation by the Department of Justice’s Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) determined that DOJ attorneys John Yoo and Jay Bybee blurred the lines between attorneys charged with providing independent legal advice to the White House and policy advocates who were working to advance the administration’s goals, according to legal sources who were privy to an original draft of the OPR report.
Torture Preceded Legal Advice
If ABC’s Karl had a firmer grasp on the issues he queried Cheney about he would have known that as recently as last week, three UK high-court judges released seven paragraphs of a previously classified intelligence document that proved the CIA tortured Binyam Mohamed, a British resident captured in Pakistan in April 2002 who was falsely tied to a dirty bomb plot, months before the Bush administration obtained a memo from John Yoo and Jay Bybee at the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) authorizing specific methods of torture to be used against high-value detainees, further undercutting Cheney’s line of defense.
The document stated bluntly that Mohamed’s treatment “could readily be contended to be at the very least cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment by the United States authorities.”
Code Pink has become a parody of a protest organization, often populated by old women with nothing else to do. Wearing pink makes them feel like they’re part of something important.
They’re not.
This protest will accomplish nothing other than possibly get some loonies on TV for a moment. However, it will provide cheap entertainment for those who enjoy idiot watching.
The Code Pink ladies are a great example of a grassroots movement with a REAL CAUSE as opposed to the Teabaggers, who have been whipped into a frenzy by an Australian billionaire and his Saudi sidekick and other corporatists to “protest” imaginary taxes, when in fact, most of the FOOLS teabaggin’ got a TAXCUT! The Teabag Protests, now that’s some “idiot watching”!
i see the great american hater anoster has come out of the afgan cave . still hung up on bush / chenney for war crimes . bush blew up the towers too anoster . the idiot watchers are people like you who support these NUT JOBS . AND TO COMPARE THEM TO THE REAL AMERICANS like the tea baggers . what a joke you are . keep on watching msnbc and getting your info from the daily kos . rick moore take a bow good post .
Grating One,
Would you care to make a cogent, in-depth, rational argument for the use of torture, instead of coming on here and acting like calling people names amounts to an effective rebuttal?
Grating One,
Oh and while you’re at it, give your case as to how torturing (breaking the law) is somehow, in your mind, not breaking the law and OK.
“The Code Pink ladies are a great example of a grassroots movement with a REAL CAUSE as opposed to the Teabaggers, who have been whipped into a frenzy by an Australian billionaire and his Saudi sidekick and other corporatists to “protest” imaginary taxes, when in fact, most of the FOOLS teabaggin’ got a TAXCUT! The Teabag Protests, now that’s some “idiot watching”!”
Where was “CODE YELLOW”, when women were being murdered in foot ball fields and hung from cranes because they were either raped or forgot to pull their head garb back.. (which still continues to happen today).
As a woman, I wish i could go to the middle east, hunt down the bastards (the taliban) and show them what happens when a woman does not bow to killers…
I would show them the same mercy that they show females..NONE!
Wise up Code yellow there are good and very bad people in this world and the bad ones need to be shown to the gates of hell!
You anonoster and the women of code pink need to stay indoors like good little house wives and let men/women warriors fight for justice…
“As a woman, I wish i could go to the middle east”
Ms. Quinn,
Who says you can’t go? They are signing up new recruits daily.
If you are such a believer in these unnecessary wars please enlist to be cannon fodder.
“Wise up Code yellow there are good and very bad people in this world and the bad ones need to be shown to the gates of hell!”
Michelle Quinn…just another extremist with a God complex.
I’m with Sean…if you’re such a true believer, enlist and put your money where your mouth is.
Michelle Quinn,
As usual, you are completely ignorant and misinformed as to the facts and reality, never have you bothered to do ANY research BEFORE you start pontificating,no, you just lump the entire Mid-East in to one giant stereotype.
For your edification;
Women’s rights in Saudi Arabia versus pre-war Iraq
Friday, October 5, 2007
By: Chris Banks
‘Human rights,’ a political tool for U.S. imperialism
Under the completely repressive rule of the Saudi monarchy, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is only beginning to talk about a woman’s right to drive. Only recently, women won the right to own businesses and travel without a male companion.
The Saudi royal family is a key regional ally of U.S. imperialism. The U.S. government and media hardly ever highlight the lack of women’s rights when it comes to U.S. allies. On the other hand, they readily demonize U.S. targets for repression of women.
Although the status of Iraqi women was used as an argument for U.S. intervention, Iraqi women, prior to U.S. occupation, enjoyed more rights, and were among the most highly educated and professional women in the Middle East.
During the early years of the secular Baathist regime, women’s rights were enshrined in law, guarantying the right to vote and run for political office, equal pay and benefits, generous maternity leaves and free higher education, among others.
Sixteen years of relentless U.S. bombing, debilitating economic sanctions and occupation has led to a dramatic decline in the conditions of Iraqi women.
gee lest see post 8 they capture us CUT OFF OUR HEADS . WE SNAG THEM and read them their miranda rights . waterboarding is not torture . perhaps in your leftie view it is. in mine its not .
The grating one,
I’m sure, since it is OBVIOUS that you DON’T read, that you missed this from the above article;
“The US has long treated waterboarding as a war crime and has prosecuted Japanese soldiers for using it against US troops during World War II. And Ronald Reagan’s Justice Department prosecuted a Texas sheriff and three deputies for using the practice to get confessions.”
“Ironically, in March 2003, after Iraqi troops captured several US soldiers and let them be interviewed on Iraqi TV, senior Bush administration officials expressed outrage over this violation of the Geneva Convention.
“If there is somebody captured,” President George W. Bush told reporters on March 23, 2003, “I expect those people to be treated humanely. If not, the people who mistreat the prisoners will be treated as war criminals.”
Hmmm, outrage over” INTERVIEWS”, what HYPOCRITES WE ARE! Isn’t about time that WE hold OUR “WAR CRIMINALS” responsible?
“Michelle Quinn,
As usual, you are completely ignorant and misinformed as to the facts and reality, never have you bothered to do ANY research BEFORE you start pontificating,no, you just lump the entire Mid-East in to one giant stereotype.
For your edification;”
MQ says:
Its so amazing how well you and your like seam to know it all.. You do not, you will never know because thank God you grew up sheltered from war and strife… The middle east is a larger Northern Ireland..
Full of hate and existing but not living.
“The Saudi royal family is a key regional ally of U.S. imperialism.”
yeah sure they are!
Man i wish i could open a shop selling magic beans to liberals!
“‘Human rights,’ a political tool for U.S. imperialism”.
MQ says:
Its amazing how liberals pick Human Righs…. Do you ever wonder if the women who were murdered in the foot ball fields cryed out to be saved?
Do you not think the green movement in IRAN (where the girl was murdered in cold blood because she was a protester)wishes they had the US military to help rid them of the monkies who are controling their country…
“Sixteen years of relentless U.S. bombing, debilitating economic sanctions and occupation has led to a dramatic decline in the conditions of Iraqi women”
Do you think a short supply of bread, electricity or the threat of bombs comes close to living like a animal in a cage…
Read: “In the name of honor”..
We have a differnt opinion on life.. you consider some lives unimportant, i do not!
“If you are such a believer in these unnecessary wars please enlist to be cannon fodder”.
MQ Says:
Don’t you want to bring the troops home.. If i enlisted and i am one of the troops would you then stop trying to get me home??
I say do away with waterboarding.. Its not environmentally friendly- waste of water!
I say bring back 16th century cages with big spikes positioned right around the private region.. O yeah and the cool four horse attacted to four limbs.. that should do the trick.. they would be using their GPS systems to show where Bin Laden is!
What ya think.. 🙂
“Michelle Quinn…just another extremist with a God complex”.
MQ says:
No i think you have the Michelle complex.. dont obsess, its not good karma!
Do i believe in hell, yes – its women in a football field awaiting death or a young girl waiting for a crane to pick her of the ground by her neck.. that is hell!
I really don’t think God has anything to do with human beings who act like monkies!
Sorry for the numerous post.:)
anonster when the troops come home im sure you will be out there calling them war criminals . like the famous saying killing civilans in the dead of night . eye for eye . they bring a knife we bring a gun . they send one of ours to the hospital we send one of them to the mourge . just like the untouchables thats how you stop these clowns .
“Do you think a short supply of bread, electricity or the threat of bombs comes close to living like a animal in a cage…
Read: “In the name of honor”..
We have a differnt opinion on life.. you consider some lives unimportant, i do not!”
How many people do you think have DIED because of our actions in Iraq? Oh, and PLEASE, tell us exactly what we’ve accomplished to JUSTIFY all the death and destruction.
Boston Globe
The murky toll of the Iraq war
January 19, 2008
ONCE AGAIN, a controversy has erupted over how many people are being killed in Iraq. It’s an important debate, not only for beleaguered Iraqis, but for Americans seeking stability and a timely exit.
Mortality figures alone can tell a compelling story. Add to that other numbers that fill in our understanding even more – such as the scale of the flow of refugees or the women widowed by the war – and we have useful information.
So what are these statistics, and what do they tell us about this nearly five-year-old conflict?
Two kinds of accounts have emerged on the question of mortality. One is a literal count, body by body, from reports in the English language press. Because the media, mostly based in Baghdad, cannot grasp most of the violence, this is an undercount (now about 84,000) even by the reckoning of its authors, the UK-based Iraq Body Count.
The second method is to go out and ask the question in surveys of randomly selected households. This has been done five times under very dangerous conditions. Surveys of this kind during war are relatively new, and, as a result, it’s not surprising that the numbers they’ve produced have varied. But there is significant congruence.
The surveys agree that mortality is much higher than is typically held in political discussions about Iraq. The highest figure, from Opinion Business Research, a private survey firm in London, is 1.2 million through August 2007. It is also the most recent.
About 15 months ago, a survey commissioned by my center at MIT and published in The Lancet found that 601,000 had died by violence through June 2006. This figure has created a firestorm of criticism, but the methods are sound and none of the many peer reviews found anything greatly amiss. (One recalculation brought the death-by-violence total down to 450,000.)
Then last week, Iraq’s Ministry of Health released its large survey, also ending in June 2006, finding that 151,000 had died by violence. But their data tables show an enormous “excess death” total of nearly 400,000 caused by the war, and a peculiarly flat rate of violence throughout the war. Because the interviewers worked for the government, it’s likely that many respondents attributed deaths to nonviolent causes, in order to protect themselves from unwanted attention.
What to make of all this? The first conclusion is that hundreds of thousands of people have died as a result of the war – this seems incontrovertible. It is buttressed by the large number of displaced – some 3 million to 3.5 million caused by the war – and a reported total of 500,000 war widows.
The second conclusion, which helps us understand the violence, is that such a human catastrophe accounts for the insurgency in ways that no other explanation does. Whatever one makes of these insurgents, they appear to be fighting to defend their towns and tribes (apart from Al Qaeda’s foreign operation). Violence begets violence, especially when foreigners are involved.
The third conclusion is that Iraq’s devastation runs deep and wide. A generation of young men is being wiped out. Many of the most educated have left. The poverty of widespread widowhood may become chronic. The healthcare system is in shambles. Neighborhoods and towns ethnically cleansed means long-lasting displacement for tens of thousands. The humanitarian aid challenge is vast, and will last for many years
How many people do you think have DIED because of our actions in Iraq? Oh, and PLEASE, tell us exactly what we’ve accomplished to JUSTIFY all the death and destruction.
Freedom! something that you have,but don’t appreciate it seams!
What about the thousands of people that where used as ginney pigs when hussein used chemicals to kill men women and children. What jusified the world not responding to this mass murder?
You can not pick and choose life!
Violence begets violence, especially when foreigners are involved.
Tell that to Hitler!
We as humans have a obligation to protect the vulnerable from mad men. War and violence is justified to fight men who seek to control, indanger and threaten the world .. Men/women and children are always lost during war, but if the war is fought to win, then many will live in peace and freedom!
You anonster like the hippies of the 60’s are not equipted to fight for freedom and thats ok.. alot of great men and women are!
michelle when dealing with anoster you are dealing with one of those burn the flag , america is bad . our fault for everything . wants to blame us on how we got freedom . peace through strength not strength through peace . a great man once said that but im sure anoster hates him too .
On the high side? 500,000 war deaths, maybe, in the ten years. ½ million.
Another ten year war in the region is said to have 10 million or more war deaths.
(Iraq vs Iran.)
So it is possible to say, that the US led war is responsible for saving 9 ½ million lives in the region over the last 10 years.
A region at war with 10 million deaths and the same region at war with a ½ million deaths is a SAVINGS of 9 ½ million lives.
Bush needs to be given credit for the largest “live saving effort” in a war since Truman.
On the high side? 500,000 war deaths, maybe, in the ten years. ½ million.
Another ten year war in the region is said to have 10 million or more war deaths.
(Iraq vs Iran.)
So it is possible to say, that the US led war is responsible for saving 9 ½ million lives in the region over the last 10 years.
A region at war with 10 million deaths and the same region at war with a ½ million deaths is a SAVINGS of 9 ½ million lives.
Bush needs to be given credit for the largest “live saving effort” in a war since Truman.
(posted earlier but forgot to input name etc)
Thamk God Anonster is one of the 21%, i could not even imagine someone hating their country, or how that would feel. I suppose i know what it looks like – Rosie !
Sorry mate, but you really do need to travel more.
Actually, it’s YOU who Hates this country, what it represents and how it needs to be run in order to survive. You have no respect for the rule of law, you want to pick and choose which “laws” are followed and which are “inconvenient”, that’s a recipe for corruption and lawlessness, not exactly what the Founders of this country had in mind. Our Founding Fathers were adamant that they had established a government of laws and not men. They recognized that the structure of government they had enshrined in our Constitution – our system of checks and balances – was designed with a central purpose of ensuring that it would govern through the rule of law. As Thomas Paine, whose pamphlet, “On Common Sense” ignited the American Revolution, said, here, we intend to make certain that “the law is king.”
People like you make me sick, you think you’re a patriot because you support your country “right or wrong”, you cast aspersions on anyone that holds this country to HIGHER STANDARDS.
Here’s a quote for you Miss patriotism;
Senator Carl Schurz : “I confidently trust that the American people will prove themselves … too wise not to detect the false pride or the dangerous ambitions or the selfish schemes which so often hide themselves under that deceptive cry of mock patriotism: ‘Our country, right or wrong!’ They will not fail to recognize that our dignity, our free institutions and the peace and welfare of this and coming generations of Americans will be secure only as we cling to the watchword of true patriotism: ‘Our country—when right to be kept right; when wrong to be put right.’”
Did you catch that last part; ‘Our country—when right to be kept right; when wrong to be put right.’” That’s right, that’s what a REAL PATRIOT DOES, because we live in this country and pay taxes in this country and are RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACTIONS of this country.
“What about the thousands of people that where used as ginney pigs when hussein used chemicals to kill men women and children.” You mean those chemical weapons Saddam got from the good ol’ US of A?
“What jusified the world not responding to this mass murder?” You mean when he USED them in 1991 or when we ATTACKED Iraq in 2003?
“You can not pick and choose life!” Yes, Michelle you can, we CHOSE WAR!
“Violence begets violence, especially when foreigners are involved.” HUH? Or is that just a little “Michelle Quinn RACISM” shining through?
“Tell that to Hitler!” What does Hitler have to do with the Iraq war?
“We as humans have a obligation to protect the vulnerable from mad men.” I agree, it was OUR RESPONSIBILITY as Americans to STOP Bush from an UNWARRANTED ATTACK on Iraq.
“War and violence is justified to fight men who seek to control, indanger and threaten the world ..” Saddam was CONTAINED and did NOT possess “weapons of mass-destruction” at the time of our attack on Iraq.
” Men/women and children are always lost during war, but if the war is fought to win, then many will live in peace and freedom!” Easy for you to say, it was not you or your children killed or your home destroyed, furthermore, we brought NEITHER PEACE nor FREEDOM to the poor people of Iraq. The COST for Iraqi’s of our unnecessary and unjustified war; hundreds of thousands DEAD or MAIMED, millions DISPLACED, the infrastructure DESTROYED, the environment POLLUTED, their culture DAMAGED, their enemies EMPOWERED, I’m sure they will NEVER FORGET the “gifts” we brought them.
FYI Michelle;
The Ties That Blind
How Reagan Armed Saddam with Chemical Weapons
On August 18, 2002, the New York Times carried a front-page story headlined, “Officers say U.S. aided Iraq despite the use of gas”. Quoting anonymous US “senior military officers”, the NYT “revealed” that in the 1980s, the administration of US President Ronald Reagan covertly provided “critical battle planning assistance at a time when American intelligence knew that Iraqi commanders would employ chemical weapons in waging the decisive battles of the Iran-Iraq war”. The story made a brief splash in the international media, then died.
While the August 18 NYT article added new details about the extent of US military collaboration with Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein during Iraq’s 1980-88 war with Iran, it omitted the most outrageous aspect of the scandal: not only did Ronald Reagan’s Washington turn a blind-eye to the Hussein regime’s repeated use of chemical weapons against Iranian soldiers and Iraq’s Kurdish minority, but the US helped Iraq develop its chemical, biological and nuclear weapons programs.
Nor did the NYT dwell on the extreme cynicism and hypocrisy of President George Bush II’s administration’s citing of those same terrible atrocities–which were disregarded at the time by Washington–and those same weapons programs–which no longer exist, having been dismantled and destroyed in the decade following the 1991 Gulf War–to justify a massive new war against the people of Iraq.
Since I’m unable to find a single news article about the actual protest, can I assume it was as underwhelming as I predicted it would be? Did anyone show up? Did it make the slightest bit of difference to the world?
Or did some old ladies in pink have a social outing that gave them an undeserved sense that they were contributing something important?
Thank you Rick Moore for reminding us what REAL Americans value; PUBLICITY. The Code Pink people should follow in the steps of great Americans like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian, yes Rick, they know what’s important! Sex tapes!
Fools who act on their convictions and principles are losers! Media whores are the winners in America today.
Remember kids; if you ain’t gettin’ your picture taken, IT DOESN’T MATTER!
The Founding Fathers would be so proud.
This Code Pink Orange Circle Wednesday protest has been going on for years, since at least our invasion of Iraq, maybe earlier. Back in 2008 some Freepers (from the Free Republic site) got wind of it and starting showing up as counter-protestors until they got bored. That was fun. I used to go over and talk to them, they were pretty uninformed, just thought they were doing the patriotic thing.
One stupid woman took my picture and said “I’m gonna put YOU on the World Wide WEB – so the whole world can see you protesting against the war!” On the one hand I just had to laugh at her and asked what website I’d be on, it was just so absurd that somebody out on the circle holding a sign opposing the war would be afraid to be seen. But on the other hand it made me mad, when I thought about the fact that she would think she could intimidate people out of using their freedom of speech, and the fact that she’d think protesting the war would be something you’d be embarrassed of.
I think this was a few weeks after I wrote this post here:
The Freepers eventually got bored and stopped coming. They lack the dedication and moral commitment of Code Pink and the other protesters. I wish I could have been with them more this year including yesterday. Rick Moore isn’t worthy of doing their laundry.
Actually, it’s YOU who Hates this country, what it represents and how it needs to be run in order to survive. You have no respect for the rule of law, you want to pick and choose which “laws” are followed and which are “inconvenient”, that’s a recipe for corruption and lawlessness, not exactly what the Founders of this country had in mind.”
MQ says:
I doubt it..Your distain for your own country is sadly very evident… You hate its power, its people and you hate that the people rule this country, not the goverment.. I bet you think the likes of Che. are just pure gold!
You are sadly very lost in your own country!
People like you make me sick, you think you’re a patriot because you support your country “right or wrong”, you cast aspersions on anyone that holds this country to HIGHER STANDARDS.
Here’s a quote for you Miss patriotism;
MQ says:
I am sorry i make you sick, take a deep breath and put your head between your legs.
YOUR SOOOO emotional!
There is not one person with any sense that would support their country doing anything wrong.. What you consider wrong is another story..
Here’s a quote for you Miss patriotism;
MQ says:
I think it is quite right.. that is what the tea party people are trying to do right the wrongs!
This counties Government has done some awful stupid things in the past because they believe that everyone is like them
That they can negotiate, bargin and win over the enemy with money, helping hands, love, peace ect… The enemy like Bin Laden only want one thing to see this country and its people burn..You Anonster are blind to the fact that with all Amerricas mistakes, it has still done more good in this world than bad.. You only see the bad, because this country and its people make you, “SICK”.
“Easy for you to say, it was not you or your children killed or your home destroyed, furthermore, we brought NEITHER PEACE nor FREEDOM to the poor people of Iraq. The COST for Iraqi’s of our unnecessary and unjustified war; hundreds of thousands DEAD or MAIMED, millions DISPLACED, the infrastructure DESTROYED, the environment POLLUTED, their culture DAMAGED, their enemies EMPOWERED, I’m sure they will NEVER FORGET the “gifts” we brought them”.
MQ says:
I would rather my children and myself died in a bomb blast, than to live in fear, oppression and without hope. You anonster have never known war or struggle of any kind because men/women died in this country so that you might be free to live your life in peace and prosperity..
You need to Thank God every day that you were born here and take comfort in the fact that when American citizen are called to war they are good enough people to do what is right!
Jefferson was an anti-federalist for a reason.. the people know what is best!
Michelle says;
“I say do away with waterboarding.. Its not environmentally friendly- waste of water!
I say bring back 16th century cages with big spikes positioned right around the private region.. O yeah and the cool four horse attacted to four limbs.. that should do the trick.. they would be using their GPS systems to show where Bin Laden is!”
“There is not one person with any sense that would support their country doing anything wrong..”
***LOL, Michelle is her own worst enemy.
michell anoster is one of these people that if we win the war he would complain on how we got the victory . and would want to know every detail on how it was done . as we use the water overflow from the waterboarding to put out the american flag he just burned .
“There is not one person with any sense that would support their country doing anything wrong..”
***LOL, Michelle is her own worst enemy.
MQ Says:
I don’t think i will be putting myself in a cage with bigs spicks aimed at my pee pee anytime soon!
Are you a man Anonster, if so i now understand why every one thinks i am a 50yr old white man 🙂