Code Pink will be protesting our wars tomorrow at the Orange Circle

Code Pink will be protesting our wars tomorrow, Wednesday, February 17, from 5:30pm – 7:00pm, at the Orange Circle, at Chapman and Glassell.   There is ample free parking, but leave early to avoid traffic.

Click here to see a map.

Here is a note from the organizers of this protest:

Let’s stand in solidarity with Code Pink OC who has been hosting this regular vigil/protest for years! Now that we are wary of Obama going forward like gangbusters w/ OUR agenda, isn’t it time we got back to doing what only we can do anyway? Make Change!

Please stand w/ our brothers and sisters this Wednesday at 5:30 at the Orange Circle at Chapman and Glassell Plenty of free parking. Travel early due to rush hour traffic. Better yet, carpool! (Remember: real men …)Wear Pink! 😉 Hope to see you all there!

About Art Pedroza