Critic of Anaheim Deputy Chief Hunter appears to have a long police record

Chris Rock says, if you want to avoid trouble with the police, obey the law!

James Robert Reade is a self-described critic of Anaheim Deputy Chief of Police Craig Hunter. Today one of our fellow bloggers posted a story about how poor Reade has been much-abused by the Anaheim cops.

So I decided to have a look at the Orange County Superior Court database and sure enough I found four violations credited to a guy by the same name.

  • 5/4/04 – Failure to obey a traffic control sign in Brea
  • 10/30/04 – Did not stop at a red light or stop sign and then forfeited bail, this time in Orange
  • 8/8/05 – Driving at an unsafe speed, this time in Santa Ana
  • 7/9/08 – Driving at an unsafe speed, this time in Anaheim

Isn’t it funny how some of these police “critics” have incredibly long police records? In this case Reade, or a guy with his same exact name, has been in trouble literally all over central Orange County. Yet Hunter’s critics say the problem isn’t Reade, it’s Hunter. Sure it is…

Memo to Mr. Reade – try obeying the law!

About Art Pedroza