This just in from the Democratic Party of Orange County (DPOC). They have finally hired a new Executive Director, Long Beach Council Member Gerrie Schipske. What this means for Henry Vandermeir, who filled in capably during the search for a new E.D., is anyone’s guess.
DPOC names Gerrie Schipske as new Executive Director
I am pleased to announce that Gerrie Schipske is the new Executive Director of the Democratic Party of Orange County.
Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (D-47th CD) says, “I join with Orange County Democrats in extending a warm welcome to the Honorable Gerrie Schipske and congratulate the Democratic Party of Orange County on its selection of Ms. Schipske to serve as the DPOC Executive Director. I look forward to working with her and the DPOC in helping to elect Democrats as we move forward to the November 2010 elections.”
Click here to read the rest of this article.
This makes sense — a Los Angeles county pol with a gay agenda running the OC DPOC.
The gay agenda is basically the same rights as any average straight person. Its nothing more or nothing less than that.
You have to admit though that it is odd that they could not find a new hire here in the O.C.
DPOC continues to entertain us.
Native of Orange County??? Has anyone read her Long Beach City Council Re-Election 2010 website ( which begins with the words, “Long Beach Native” and then goes on to say she was born there, raised her kids there, served the past 15 years on various boards in Long Beach. Maybe DPOC needs to look at a map because the last time I checked, Long Beach wasn’t in Orange County.
And good luck fundraising in this county when everyone knows how DPOC is a joke. She was only able to raise $200,000 for herself when she ran against Rohrbacher which is pretty pathetic for a Congressional race, especially one that includes LA County. Even ‘no-chance’ Krom raised over $300,000 several months before the primary. Maybe we need her fundraiser to run the county.
Keep it coming DPOC – in these tough times, we all need a good laugh!
I believe that public service is a privilege and a duty. That’s why I’ve spent most of my adult life working to improve the quality of life for our community. I am a nurse practitioner, attorney, university teacher and mother of three. My family came to Long Beach in the late 1940’s. I was born in 1950 at the Long Beach Naval Hospital. My partner of 28 years, Flo Pickett, and I have raised three wonderful children. My career includes public service at the city, state and congressional levels and service on local boards — including the Board of Health and Human Services and the Queensway Bay Committee that guided development of the Aquarium of the Pacific. I frequently teach graduate and undergraduate courses in public administration and political science at Cal State University, Long Beach. In 1992, I was elected to the Long Beach City College Board of Trustees. I am the proud founder of the Community Baby Shower, the Long Beach Police Department’s Women’s Advisory Committee, Long Beach Cares and, and I was the first Registered Nurse to be appointed to the Medical Board of California. In 2006, I was elected to a four-year term as the Councilmember for the 5th District in Long Beach.
So why is’nt she running the LB democratic party?
Maybe there is no jobs available for Los Angeles County politicos in the Democratic Party. Just like there are no jobs available for moderate to independent minded Republicans in San Bernardino County.
Gerrie is very familiar to Orange County Democrats she has run for Congress opposing Dana R.
She is a great coordinator and active with Democrats in both the Long beach and Orange County areas.
I could not think of a better pick for the OC Dems to make.
Wow Jim, you must belong with the rest of the do-nothing Democrats in Orange County because she lost to Rohrbacher by 27% – and that was her own race. Even the loser of all losers, Christine Avolos, got better than that. And I’ve lived here in OC for almost two decades and have been publicly active yet have never heard of her so if she can bring that sort of experience in organizing to the rest of Orange County, Republicans will be safe for a long time.
Schipske isn’t even going to get re-elected to council in April. You Democrats in O.C. will be able to keep her all to yourself. She’ll even probably move there. Keep her, she’s yours now!
I agree with the other posters…………The OC Dem scene is so bleak that we have to go to LA county. On another side note , Long Beach just came in at Number 5 on OC Weekly’s sexiest OC cities list. Maybe I’m missing something in my pre – root canal drug induced pain relieved haze…
I want to know two Things. is she a Janny? That means is she going to go to bat for janet of a Dem takes a swipe at her? Is she going to treat Janet with kit gloves? The second question is this: How does she feel about the Orange County Business Council and its mission and its past efforts in elections here in OC. And how does she feel about a high level executive of the POCBC sitting on the DPOC endorsement committee?
L-O-S-E-R-S can be spelled four ways:
They add up to B-A-R-B-A-R-O which equals D-P-O-C
No more need be said
Add in G-A-L-L-O-W-A-Y. That is your four losers and wannabes….the math still adds to Barbaro and the DPOC
Excuse me, but don’t you know that Schipske’s predesessor – MELAHAT RAFIEI – lives in LA County too?
AND – she wasn’t born in Orange County or anywhere near here…Is that a requirement for the job????
Yeah. If you you are going to head the Orange County Dems , you should live in Orange county. I would think that out of the over 3million residents we would have one suitably qualified. As for Dereks comment,,,no, I didn’t know that. That was wrong too, and Yes, it should be a requirement for the job.
Don’t give Schipske any Party-issued credit cards. While she was the “General Counsel” for the Teachers Association of Long Beach she used a union-issued credit card for personal expenses. How did this come to light? When the CTA took over the local union because it was out of control, it did an audit of the books. Low and behold, Schipske’s “expense reports” showed she used the cards for personal expenses. Ouch. Of course she said this was all a mistake, yadda, yadda. Then offered to reimburse. She is a lawyer for gosh sake. She knew.
Let’s not forget about the teacher union doing a cash-out refinance on its building back in 2006 to the toon of $300,000. Where did the money go? Straight into the teacher union PAC. Guess whose city council campaign benefitted from nearly $20,000 in the local teacher union IE? Yep, the same Gerrie Schipske. I wonder how many rank-and-file members at the Long Beach teacher union thought it was a good idea to mortgage their building and funnel campaign cash to it’s General Counsel who was running for City Council– not school board.
I guess that’s one reason why CTA had to take over the local
I only want to know if she is a jannie and how she feels about the Orange County Business Council. Can anyone find out how to get in touch with Gerrie so we can get an answer to these questions?
why don’t you call her yourself, chocula?
you seem to have time on your hands. oh – rmind me what I “jannie” is; is it like a Barbie?