Solorio-Backed Bill Will Create 6,000 New Orange County Transportation Jobs

Assemblyman Jose Solorio

For Immediate Release: February 22, 2010

For More Information Contact:
Carol Chamberlain – Office: (916) 319-2069
Cell: (916) 804-5355

Solorio-Backed Bill Will Create 6,000 New Orange County Transportation Jobs
Bill Passes Legislature and Awaits Governor’s Signature

SACRAMENTO, CA – The California Legislature passed Solorio-sponsored legislation (AB 11 X8) that allows the California Transportation Commission to sign $410 million in agreements with local transportation agencies allowing them to seek state reimbursement later for projects they jumpstart today. The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) asked Assemblyman Solorio to work on the bill in the Assembly while senators Bob Huff and Lou Correa advocated for AB 11 X8 in the Senate. The bill passed with broad, bipartisan support.

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About Art Pedroza