These ads appear on Total Buzz for free. Is it any surprise that Martin Wisckol shills for these guys?
Is it any surprise that Total Buzz blogger Martin Wisckol has published a one-sided article about the lame lawsuit that apparently has been filed by the Liberal OC bloggers?
Their case has no merit. I already discarded the URLs at the heart of the case. All I have to do is file a summary motion for dismissal and that’s it.
The real reason that Dan Chmielewski and company filed their case, beyond getting back at me for going after their pal Beth Krom, is that Dan is a PR guy and he wanted to manipulate the press into going after me. It cost him about $300 to file his lawsuit, and Wisckol bit.
Wisckol freely admits that he advertises the Liberal OC on his blog, for free! And he advertises Red County for free too. Why? He says they are the top Democratic and Republican blogs in the county. Really?
You can verify this on Sitemeter. We have had 12,437 visits to our blog this week and over 22,700 page views. The Liberal OC has had 4,908 site visits and just over 14,000 page views. Click here to see the Lib OC’s numbers. Click here to see our data.
According to BNN’s California political blog ranking service, which you can access here, the Orange Juice is ranked #3 in the state over the past 12 weeks and our sister blog, New Santa Ana, is ranked #8. The Liberal OC is ranked #10 and Red County’s OC blog didn’t make their top 20 list.
So Wisckol promotes these guys and they came running to him when they wanted free publicity for a lawsuit that will be dismissed almost as quickly as it was filed.
And while Wisckol did call me, he did not refer to my post where we outed the real scheme behind the lawsuit. Wisckol did not mention that the Lib OC lawyer is Todd Gallinger, an ally of Krom who got beat by our friend Steven Choi when he ran for the Irvine City Council. You think that might be relevant to the story?
This is not the first time that Wisckol has shilled for these jokers. When Chmielewski announced that he had bought Claudio Gallego’s dead blog, Sunny D, Wisckol treated it like a real news story. LOL! But when the Lib OC’s numbers plummeted after the aquisition, we covered that, but Wisckol didn’t.
What a joke. I canceled my Register subscription awhile ago. I would encourage you to do the same. I still get their Sunday paper, but just for the coupons.
By the way, Wisckol did not even ask his blue pals why they bought Figures.
I think this love affair goes back to the days when Ryan Gene was working at O.J. What is the expression, “Hate the Blog, but love the Blogger!”
Wisckol and Mickadeit are just shameless tools. They both bent over backward to promote Linda Ackerwoman in her fraudulent 72nd AD scampaign.
What’s sad is that there seems to be no editorial oversight at what’s left of the Register. Within a year they’re both going to be out of work.
Pedroza, What’s the difference between Wiskol’s blog giving free adds and you doing the same thing? None of the candidates that you have given banners to have paid for them. And you change those around depending on you like and don’t like that particular month. Anybody who has half-way followed your blog for any length of time knows this.
Also, how can you even begin to scream foul over objectivity when you are the absolute worst offender when it comes to character assassination attempts? You enjoy spewing forth half-truths and lies regularly just to make a point and now you are beginning to reap what you have sowed except what is being written is not lies about you.
You make some good points and everybody knows Wiskol is compromised but because of how you conduct yourself, you have zero credibility. Clean up your act and I think you might be surprized with the results – if you care…
Marty knows the SS OC Register is going down fast and is trying to figure out how to make a living. You can’t really blame him.