Over at the Liberal OC blog, the proprietor, Dan C -somethingorother is supporting the carpetbagging 4th District Supervisorial bid of Lorri Galloway. Well, okay. Even though Dan C. lives in Irvine, it’s a free country, right?
What’s really amusing is that Dan has taken to posting pictures of Lorri with all sorts of Democratic luminaries, the tacit implication being that there is some sort of endorsement or even connection. Our favorite pic is the one he uses most – with Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez apparently at some sort of food bank operation.
Ah yes! A couple of typical camera hog Limousine Liberals slumming it, nicely accessorized with strings of pearls for their photo op. Make sure you get your picture in the paper, honey, and try not to break a nail!
There you have the Lorri Galloway Experience and, oh, by the way – welcome to her life.
I love shots like this. Nice photo Op! By the way, how did Galloway get her $$$??? What does she report in the way of assets?
How about adding a TMZ aspect to your blog? I for one would love to see photos/videos of these elected officials. Sure there might be some footage from meetings but what I’d like to see are some TMZ style surprise videos in and around the O.C. These people love to attend League of Cities and other conferences, free sporting/concert events, O.C. Fair events and free dinners/lunches but how often do we get to see video of them while enjoying the perks of these elected offices? Maybe you could team up with the O.C. Weekly and ask readers to send in video/photos and now and then send a few of your own folks to capture the fun. I bet your video features would be very popular. (with readers, not elected officials!)