Will Red County and Lib OC attacks on Hugh Nguyen alienate Viet voters?

The partisan hacks at the Red County and Liberal OC blogs have united again (something that has become increasingly common) in attacking Hugh Nguyen, who is running for Orange County Clerk-Recorder, against incumbent Tom Daly, a career politician who happens to be a Democrat.

Are the Red County and Liberal OC bloggers risking alienating Vietnamese voters with their ridiculous attacks on Nguyen?

This is not exactly a good strategy for either of these blogs.  Red County is backing Assemblyman Van Tran for the 47th Congressional District.  (And Tran is supporting Hugh Nguyen!).  Tran is in a tough primary with businessman Quang Pham and he can ill afford any blowback generated by his pals at Red County.

Over at the Liberal OC, they have been busy pandering for Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, but she too, like Tran, needs Viet voters.  She is facing a challenge from independent candidate Cecilia Iglesias.  Sanchez will move on to the general, but then she will have to face either Tran or Pham, and Iglesias will be there to siphon off Latino votes from Sanchez.

It is funny that the Liberal OC bloggers are so rabid about Daly.  He is just the latest in a long line of old white guys that they have shilled for – remember Joe Dunn and Tom Umberg?  And now their party is fielding the even older Jerry Brown, as the ultimate retread for Governor.

Meanwhile, Red County is destroying what was left of their reputation as an ostensibly Republican blog by shilling for Daly, who is a lifelong Democrat and who enjoys the support of big labor.  What can Red County publisher Chip Hanlon be thinking?  Of course he may be distracted by his ongoing battle with our newest blogger, Sgt. York.

Chisme has it that Red County is losing steam with advertisers and that their darling Meg Whitman may even pull her ad from them.  That would be a wise move on her part!

You have to wonder if all of these ridiculous hacks are attacking Nguyen merely because we support him, here at the Orange Juice blog.  If so, that is pretty stupid.  He is the best qualified candidate for the job and he wants to undo the waste and corruption that has been the legacy of the rudderless Daly.  That is why we support him!

I think Van Tran and Loretta Sanchez better have a little heart to heart with the boys at Red County and Liberal OC before they cause a ton of damage in the Viet community…which is unanimous in its support of Hugh Nguyen.

In fact, Chairman of the OC Board of Supervisors Janet Nguyen should also pull Chris Prevatt and Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham into her offiice.  Bad enough that she is doing nothing to help Nguyen, but now both her red and blue Jannies are attacking Hugh.  This won’t help her when Jose Solorio runs against her in a few years…

About Art Pedroza