Our friend Scott Moxley was written a piece at the OC Weekly about how local State Assemblyman and would-be Congressman for the 47th District, Van Tran, actually flew his Chief of Staff down from Sacramento to vote in the recent California Republican Assembly nominating convention – casting a vote for his boss, of course.
Seems there’s some heartburn in some circles because the fellow, Paul Hegyi, somehow got himself affiliated with the Stanton Chapter of the CRA, where he doesn’t live, and also because Stanton isn’t even in the 47th Congressional District.
But part of Fullerton is, so we share this tale with you.
Read the rest of “Another Typical Repuglican – Everything is For Sale!”
“Republican?” How mature.
No. “Repuglican.”
This guy is as slimy as the come. What a joke!
Wow, I knew facts didn’t mean much to you guys on here, but they unfortunately didn’t stop Moxley in this case, either. The facts are simple, Hegyi’s vote was in accordance with the CRA’s bylaws, and was entirely proper. Personally, I think they need to be changed because it can encourage some unsavory tactics like those being alleged against Tran, but that means that the membership has to make some noise and get them changed. More importantly, let’s assume that Hegyi’s vote wasn’t proper, and that the entire Stanton delegation was excluded – Tran still had enough votes to win (my source is the parliamentarian who was at the meeting – for full disclosure, I was there as well).
Just my two cents (and the actual facts).