By State Assemblyman Chris Norby
Four short years ago – 2006 – Bill Hunt challenged Sheriff Mike Carona’s re-election. Carona was well funded and had the backing of the entire OC political establishment – including me. That was my mistake. Our mistake. We already knew there were serious leadership issues in the Sheriff’s Department, serious enough to at least stay neutral. But we didn’t.
Three challengers received 49% of the votes, just a shy of forcing a November run-off. Of those three, Lieutenant Bill Hunt received by far the most votes. Give him credit for standing up and running, for taking an underfunded campaign without endorsements and nearly making it a 2-man run-off in November.
Read the rest of “Chris Norby: Why I Support Bill Hunt for Sheriff”
You’ve got a really bad picker, Chris. Your brother as your Chief of Staff is another example — no one else can remember such a blatant example of nepotism. Surely you also helped him get that cush patronage job in county health care?
And what about your supporting the lying sack Maldonado for Lt. Governor? That was a really bad decision that deserves to haunt you until you’re found sleeping another one off on the capitol steps.
Maybe, in time, you’ll get your head out of your butt and impress us — but we won’t be holding our breath. That’s never happened before.
in the know,
Didn’t Norby back Carona too? No bueno…
” Surely you also helped him get that cush patronage job in county health care?”
Nearly all Supervisor’s staff members get jobs at the County when the Sup.’s move on if they want one.
Yo Norby, check out who you’re supporting for LG:
I would cut Chris some slack if he admits his error, apologizes and promises to do better. In the future, please make objective choices instead of siding with the good old boys, and that includes all political races.
Art, I think Norby is making better choices these days. It might have to do with getting waxed by all the GOP big shots last fall.
We can all just go ahead and rubber stamp the Establishment candidate for sheriff, Craig Hunter…or, we can learn a little more about him at: