Chris Prevatt attacking yet another Democratic candidate

Assemblyman Jose Solorio appointed John Santoianni to be a Democratic delegate, but that isn’t good enough for Chris Prevatt…

I have often wondered why anyone in Orange County gives any creedence to what Liberal OC blogger Chris Prevatt has to say.  He doesn’t live here anymore – he moved to Long Beach.  He got only 3% of the vote when he ran for the Garden Grove City Council, in 2000.  And now it has become obvious that he doesn’t even support his fellow Democrats.

There are many reasons to oppose Lorri Galloway, the Anaheim City Councilwoman running as a carpetbagger for the 4th Supervisorial District.  However, she is the leading Democrat.  Prevatt however is not supporting her.  Instead, he has been an undercover shill for Republican carpetbagger Harry Sidhu.

And I found out tonight that Prevatt has been harassing another Democrat, Anaheim Council candidate John Santoianni.  Prevatt wants him to drop out of the race.  To make matters worse, Prevatt is supporting a Republican named John Leos, over Santoianni.

What in the world is Prevatt up to? 

It turns out that Leos, like Prevatt, works for the County of Orange.  He is a probation officer.  Leos has not been involved in the community, but now he is Prevatt’s favorite.  Santoianni, on the other hand, is on the Anaheim Culture and Arts Commission.

Leos might be in a for a shock.  OC GOP Chairman Scott Baugh has made it clear he won’t be supporting Republicans who are union shills.

And check out what Leos’ primary concerns are: making Anaheim safer and more livable while attracting more visitors; he seeks to promote Anaheim’s status as a host city and destination city for the country and the world. Along with this, he says it’s necessary that the city continues to repair and maintain its vital infrastructure, vigilantly enforces its blight code and beautifies itself.

All that sounds well and good but read it again.  Leos sounds like one of Santa Ana’s Usual Suspects.  His choice of words belies a NIMBY who isn’t terribly happy about Anaheim’s diverse communities. 

If you meet with Santoianni you cannot help but like him.  He is earnest and intelligent.  Unlike Prevatt, who only finished high school, Santoianni has three college degrees, but it hasn’t gone to his head  He is very humble.  He just wants to help the people of his city.  And Santoianni is a firm believer in diversity.

I met with Santoianni tonight and we talked about his campaign.  He is focusing on open government, transportation issues and the arts.  Good issues all. 

He explained to me that Anaheim’s voters are fairly equally split up.  About a third are Republicans, a few less are Democrats and the remainder are Decline to State voters.

Leos ironically is talking about jobs, but really what does a government worker know about jobs?

Santoianni works for the biggest employer in town, Disney.  And he spent ten years on Wall Street.  Unlike Leos, the county worker, Santoianni knows what it is like to work in the private sector.

Don’t get me wrong, Santoinanni supports labor, but he is, as he told me tonight, a fiscal conservative.  Like me he is a social liberal.  Nothing wrong with that.  I think that Anaheim residents will like what he has to say.

It is too bad Prevatt is going to make things difficult for Santoianni.  I asked him if he is staying in the race.  Oh yes, he said.  He is no quitter.  Good for him!

Can Santoianni win?  Well, I think he has a decent shot at victory.  If nothing else, he is bound to do better than the 3% of the vote that Prevatt got in 2000…

About Art Pedroza