Free ice cream & admission to St Patrick’s Day festival at the OC Fairgrounds this Sunday!

And I will give you all the details for the free ice cream and free admission to the St. Patrick’s Day festival at our Fairgrounds this Sunday, but FIRST you have to do something important.

Yes, it’s time to fax Governor Schwarzenegger again, and demand that he not sell our Fairgrounds to a private developer. Remember, you can fax him for free even if you don’t have a fax machine, by going here: Arnold’s fax number is 916-558-3160.

The situation right now is:  Arnold is sitting in a corner with a dunce cap, devastated to have got a high bid of only 56.5 million for our Fairgrounds when he was expecting 180 million.  He can’t seem to decide whether to accept such a low bid or not, and he needs more pressure from you and me to call the sale off.  After that, the best solution will probably be for the JPA (Joint Powers Agreement) between Orange County and Costa Mesa to buy the property, probably in installments, and never have to worry again about the state yanking it away from us.

Okay, have you sent the FAX now?  Then you have earned ice cream, and free admission to the St. Patrick’s Day festival!  From The Register:

“Leaping Leprechauns! It’s almost time for the Irish Festival at the  Orange County Market Place! It will be held on Sunday (March 14) from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. and including cute Irish-dancing youngsters, music and free green mint ice cream.  Here is the flyer on the St. Patrick’s Festival March 14.

“The Orange County Market Place is more than just a swap meet, it’s a happening every weekend (except when the fair is on) at the fairgrounds in Costa Mesa, with live seasonal entertainment and lots of stuff to buy. So if you want to check it out, or even if you’re already a regular, the Deals Diva’s got you covered.   Normal admission for adults is two bucks, but…”

Click here to get a printable coupon for free admission to the Orange County Marketplace

Click here to get a printable coupon for FREE MINT ICE CREAM at Sunday’s St. Patrick’s festival

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at, or 714-235-VERN.