Got milk? Not if you’re Alexandria Coronado (pictured above with Sean Hannity)
Normally we don’t pay much heed to the members of the Orange County Board of Education. And as such they usually get reelected without any trouble at all.
However, the President of the current O.C. Board of Education, Alexandria Coronado, might be in for rough waters. She has an opponent, and she has become quite notorios over the past year.
Last October, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed Harvey Milk Day into law. “The law encourages schools and other educational institutions to commemorate the day each year with discussions and other exercises that help students better understand Milk’s significance on California politics and the gay-rights movement,” according to the O.C. Register.
But Coronado flipped out over the passage of Harvey Milk Day. She led her fellow Trustees in voting 5-0 against the new law. And she had some awful things to say about homosexuals.
Protesters showed up last year at the OC Board of Education to give Coronado a piece of their mind (OCEC)
She said, “Why this is a civil rights issue? I don’t know when a homosexual had to sit on the back of a bus like Rosa Parks, or was forced by law to attend a different school like the Mendez family in Westminster.”
Coronado also said she had gay friends but did not name them, according to this link.
Coronado recently emailed this message to her supporters:
As President of the Orange County Board of Education, I understand the serious problems that face our public schools today.
Sacramento gives more money to health and welfare than it does to public education. If this continues, where will our state be in ten years?
My leadership and experience helped Orange County’s public schools achieve the highest test scores in the state. I held school leaders accountable, worked to reduce costs and administration, and sent your tax dollars directly to students in the classroom.
Since I was elected, I never voted to raise your taxes, held fast to family values, and protected parental rights.
I believe the public schools need less regulation from Sacramento and Washington, D.C., not more of your tax dollars.
Coronado is being opposed this year by David L. Boyd, the President at William Howard Taft University, who ran for the Coast Community College District’s Board of Eduation in 2008. He got over 54,000 votes in that election.
William Howard Taft University? You are joking right? Located on South Susan street in Santa Ana? I think you can get a degree from W.H.T.U. with $1.75 and three Cornflakes box tops! I don’t care for Coronado but it’s going to take more that a parade and some rainbow flags to beat her!
Are you kidding? Coronado is a piano teacher! Her opponent is a lawyer and a college president. There is no comparison!
What really cracks me up is that Coronado is know for dating a lot of guys, and yet she is always screeching about family values. Yeah right!
Actually, William Howard Taft University is nationally accredited by the US Department of Education and offers Masters and Doctorate degrees in education. (And they cost a lot more than $1.75!)
And win or lose, at least Boyd is showing the guts to step to the plate. (Assuming that he returns his papers.)
Good post, I woulda liked more info on this Boyd fellow. May the force be with him.
I know a college professor in Texas who graduated with a doctorate from Taft and a lawyer who graduated from Taft – both are in the top of their respective fields. The issue here are the qualifications of these two candidates. Let’s stick to the facts, and the facts are the strengths each of these candidates can bring to our community. You decide…a piano teacher or a college president who is also a CPA.
“Coronado is a piano teacher!”
And piano teachers are not smart or able to serve on school boards? Where are all you NPR listening Lib’s now to defend the arts???
You denigrated Coronado’s opponent, needlessly. He clearly is better educated and more experienced than Coronado.
There is nothing wrong with being a piano teacher, but I think voters would prefer a university administrator to a piano teacher, for a school board. That she is a gay basher settles this, as Vern pointed out. No bueno!
Piano teachers kick ass.
Gay-bashing piano teachers, not so much.
A dude called Stonewall should be able to make that distinction.
What in the world does the piano teacher mean by holding fast to family values? State Senator Roy Ashburn was a big family values advocate, too and look at him today – fresh out of the closet. I’m not saying the piano teacher is gay, it’s just how can you believe any politician when they jump on the family values soap box? The truth is the OC Board of Education does very little. They don’t control our taxes and for heaven’s sake their presence does nothing to raise test scores in our schools. So, who do you want to have representing us in this nothing position? A career politician who teaches piano or an accountant who runs a business?
She said, ”Why this is a civil rights issue? I don’t know when a homosexual had to sit on the back of a bus like Rosa Parks, or was forced by law to attend a different school like the Mendez family in Westminster.”
Wow! This is the President of the County Board of Education.
The simple fact is, Gay Marriage is all about Civil Rights. Seperate is not equal according to the US supreme court. This ironically was supported in Brown v. The board of education.
She should learn to load her brain before she fires her tongue.
I have no great love for Alexandria but you are just helping her get re-elected brother! I imagine this blog post alone just added another $200,000. to the I.E. that may or may not be planned by Howard Fieldstad Ahmanson, Jr. and friends. Don’t you get it Art? You are just doing exactly what you say you don’t want to do?
Alexandria says thanks Art,
LOL! All we can do is hope the rich guys lost too much on the stock market to jump into this race.
It is going to be up to the community and the challenger to stop this coronation. We will keep an eye on this race – but now it is up to the public to get involved and get busy.
I hope we hear from the challenger soon…
To: “Alexandria says thanks, Art”
Mr. Ahmanson is a businessman. Now that he has a choice, do you think if he’s going to pump money into a race where there is a choice, he’d support a piano teacher, who isn’t married over a conservative family man who is an accomplished businessman?
“Mr. Ahmanson is a businessman. Now that he has a choice, do you think if he’s going to pump money into a race where there is a choice, he’d support a piano teacher, who isn’t married over a conservative family man who is an accomplished businessman?”
Edwin, Mr. Ahmanson looks for candidates who share his values on issues that are important to him.
not adam and steve,
Perhaps we need to do a “Who is Howard Ahmanson?” post…
“Perhaps we need to do a “Who is Howard Ahmanson?” post”
Great idea Art! You know as well as I do that Coronado and Ahmanson are kindred spirits.
I e-mailed Boyd yesterday and received the following response.
“…her anti-gay comments will be the foundation of my campaign. Such reckless comments are not only harmful to the gay community but to all of Orange County. But my focus will be on what she’s done and what she’s said in her public life rather than her personal life.”
That was a very professional response from Dr. Boyd. The fact is Ms. Coronado is not qualified to serve our county. Her outlandish public comments question her common sense Her professional background, while certainly admirable in the world of music, does little to complement the work required as our representative to the Board of Education. Ms.Coronado claims many things on her candidate profile – none of which can be attirbuted to the job description as a member of the Board of Education. It’s time to end her political career and elect an accomplished individual with a business background to serve our community.
I see that Boyd did enter the race. On another Board I saw that a lawsuit forced Coronado to change her ballot designation from “President”, OC Board of Education to “Member” OC Board of Education.
So it’s “University President” vs. “Member OC Board of Education.” Boyd will be listed first on the ballot and both parties paid for a Candidate Statement.
This might get interesting.
We can only hope that she will soon be a “former” member of the OC Board of Education!
Here’s a few links to more information on Boyd.
you people are ridiculous.
first off, Taft University is NOT accredited. they state revoked it because only like 7% passed the bar from their school!
second off, Boyd is NOT the president. I did my research, go to the website, he isnt listed as president. Or anything for that matter.
But just because Alexandria stood so strongly against Harvey Milk day, you all go insane. It wasnt JUST HER who opposed it.
You should have done your research.
Alexandria is not a gay basher. Nor does she hate gays.
She is a well respected woman with traditional values that she upholds
especially her family values.