A group of Hispanic lawmakers on Thursday will tell President Barack Obama that they may not vote for healthcare reform unless changes are made to the bill’s immigration provisions. The scheduled meeting comes as Democratic leaders and the White House are struggling to craft a final bill that will attract 216 votes in the lower chamber.
This as Democrat leaders are still struggling to gain enough votes for passage of the Senate Health Care version through the House. The Senate version specifically bans illegals from buying health care through the new federal health care exchanges. Increasingly, the House leadership is finding that at-risk members are unwilling to stick their necks out for legislation they didn’t, and wouldn’t have voted for, the first time around. Promises that the problems with the Senate version will be worked out later are meeting scoffs and eye rolls. As the problems mounting are proving to be not just financial, but encompass issues such as abortion and illegal immigration, the hope that such issues can be resolved in the Senate with reconciliation are dim and fading.
Gotta love Luis Gutierrez though, one of my favorites in Congress. I think he will come down for health care when push comes to shove, he’s just using his leverage right now to extract commitments on immigration reform. Watch:
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What part of ILLEGAL do you not understand. Apply for citizenship and stop robbing from those who wait for years and still cannot immigrate because of you! You cannot buy healthcare in this country because you are ILLEGAL (illegal means against the law) and ALIEN means a person who is not a citizen (ie: not supposed to be here.) And, it might be helpful if you learn to speak English and teach your children to speak English instead of expecting the American TAX PAYER (tax payer means people who actually pay taxes to fund all of your freebies) to fund bilingual programs in the American schools, which means we cannot afford music, art and even science for our children because the bilingual programs drain money from the education THE TAX PAYERS KIDS should be getting with OUR TAX PAYER DOLLARS!!!. WAKE UP AND GO HOME!