How did the DPOC fail to recruit a candidate to oppose Supervisor John Moorlach?

How did the DPOC fail to recruit a candidate to oppose Supervisor John Moorlach?

How can it be possible?  The Democratic Party of Orange County (DPOC) failed to find candidates to take on Supervisors John Moorlach and Pat Bates.  Now they will both be reelected automatically.  They won’t even be on the ballot!

You would have thought that the DPOC would be stronger than ever, with President Barack Obama in the White House and full control of both houses of the U.S. Legislature, but they also failed to recruit any candidates for their Central Committee, in the supposed Democratic stronghold that is the 69th Assembly District.

Is the DPOC really this inept?  The Democrats have a lock on Sacramento, and they can’t even find ANYONE to run against Moorlach?  Or Bates?

Are you telling me that they could not find anyone to take on Moorlach even though he goofed by supporting failed O.C. Treasuer-Tax Collector Chriss Street and appointed O.C. Sheriff Sandra Hutchens?  Lame!

The DPOC also failed to recruit someone to run against O.C. District Attorney Tony Rackauckas and O.C. Auditor-Controller David Sundstrom.  Unbelievable!  Who the heck is in charge at the DPOC?  I think they might be sleeping on the job!

About Art Pedroza