How did the DPOC fail to recruit a candidate to oppose Supervisor John Moorlach?
How can it be possible? The Democratic Party of Orange County (DPOC) failed to find candidates to take on Supervisors John Moorlach and Pat Bates. Now they will both be reelected automatically. They won’t even be on the ballot!
You would have thought that the DPOC would be stronger than ever, with President Barack Obama in the White House and full control of both houses of the U.S. Legislature, but they also failed to recruit any candidates for their Central Committee, in the supposed Democratic stronghold that is the 69th Assembly District.
Is the DPOC really this inept? The Democrats have a lock on Sacramento, and they can’t even find ANYONE to run against Moorlach? Or Bates?
Are you telling me that they could not find anyone to take on Moorlach even though he goofed by supporting failed O.C. Treasuer-Tax Collector Chriss Street and appointed O.C. Sheriff Sandra Hutchens? Lame!
The DPOC also failed to recruit someone to run against O.C. District Attorney Tony Rackauckas and O.C. Auditor-Controller David Sundstrom. Unbelievable! Who the heck is in charge at the DPOC? I think they might be sleeping on the job!
Pat Bates proved she can outspend any opponent with her own millions. Moorlach is a personable guy and presents well and has been ahead of the curve in taking on public sector unions. Sundstrom has done a good job. Rackaukus, while stumbling a couple times – especially with regard to taking on political corruption – is generally perceived by the public as doing a good job. Besides, he has hordes of investigators he can have focus on any opponent to find dirty laundry. Bottom line, none of these incumbants seem vulnerable. Looks like the Dem’s are wisely choosing their battles.
I am laughing at the fact that you stated the dems are stronger because BO is in the white house – are you joking???
Why would Dems go up against two RINO’s… Moorlach plays with the unions, he has done nothing to deflate the ridiculous pensions that public workers get!
The OC sups are a bunch of RINO’s that have made OC into a entitlement camp for the so called underserved and vulnerable and made a lot of doc’s, hospital admins and healthcare board members very rich!
O yeah, not to mention all those OC 501’s that HELP the children …. SCAM!
No one challenged Rackauckas this year. He is automatically reelected.
To get back at him, oppose all the judicial candidates he endorses!