Jerry Brown can’t beat Meg Whitman, so who else can?
Well, it looks like everyone has buried Steve Poizner. Polls are showing his GOP opponent, Meg Whitman, far ahead – of both Poizner and Democratic candidate Jerry Brown.
Now the Democrats need to start thinking about dumping Brown, if they really want to beat Whitman.
So who else can they run? Well, for one thing the candidate(s) should be a woman or a minority. Or someone with great name I.D. and a moderate record.
So how about the following Democrats:
- Senator Dianne Feinstein
- Janice Hahn, L.A. Councilwoman
- Laura Chick, L.A. Controller
- Debra Bowen, CA Secretary of State
- Congresswoman Jane Harman
- Congresswoman Judy Chu
Readers? Any other nominations?
Feinstein’s just too old. Hahn’s just too stupid. Harman’s a possibility as she hates Pelosi and might want to come home, and she’s rich (Harman Kardon) — but she’s still a disgusting liberal.
We could do worse than Whitman, though — I liked Poizner, but he ran his campaign poorly (which means he’s a bad picker of advisors and managers). She’ll end up buying it (as she has so far) and maybe it won’t be Arnold’s third term. Unfortunately, the unions will probably eat her alive.
I dunno, Art. Those all look like desperation picks, like McCain picking Sarah. Jerry Brown is the best we have in terms of experience, name, and willingness. If the best we have can’t win, so be it.
SAHS Teacher,
I would be OK with Brown if he wasn’t such an envonmental extre$ist.
It’s nice too see that Meg Whitmans Millions have penetrated the most free thinkers of the Blogephere.
The normally cognizant OJB now questions Brown’s ability to beat Whitman?
I too question that, but for her campaign of propaganda what has she ever done? She ran EBAY? an internet garage sale company, that never really sold a product of its own, she did’nt vote for twenty something years.
I like Brown, politically and fundementally, but mostly because we’ve seen what inexperience brings.
As for the Green thing, this is a guy who gained the name moonbeam, for his support of satallite technology, the same stuff thats transmitting this post to you. Whats so wrong with some concern for the environment? If you listen to KFI you’d think it was as bad as the TRILLIONS we spent in Iraq, oh wait a minute they don’t mention that.
KenLay – or whomever you are…
When you’re stuck in traffic – think Jerry Brown, he destroyed freeway projects in the 1970’s when matching federal funds were available.
When you think cost overruns for development – Brown has used his office to aggressively sue to stop development as AG
When you think of budget deficits – think Jerry Brown, he took the Reagan Economy he inherited in his first term and ran it in to the ground. Brown was Arnold before Arnold was a citizen…
When you think ballot measures – Brown has been sued a few times for issuing partisan slants to titles and summaries
When you think corruption – Jerry Brown
Cronyism – Jerry Brown
Brown is a target rich environment that will get pounded by whomever the Republican Nominee is.
Don’t get me wrong – no way I could vote for Whitman. I just wish we had more choices.
Brown’s support for AB 32 is no bueno.
Choice is good, isn’t it?
Jerry Brown isn’t the problem. Unlike whitman, Jerry has been elected to statewide office, and he has a strong following. It will be up to thousands of volunteers to get out the message for Jerry and for the future of our state.
This state can’t take another incompetent Republican like Arnold. If Whitman wins, we will be 100 billion in debt, and she will sell off the state to her rich friends.
She has no experience and no roots in CA. She knows NOTHING about running a state.
Agreed, but Brown’s environmental extremism is already killing his numbers. Whitman is ahead of him! He needs to agree to delay AB 32 or he is going to lose…
arron f park way to hit a home run brother . brown is a total faliure . i see sunny supports him because he loves the public employee unions . the thing that is b/k california . no it will not be a SUNNY day if this bozo is chosen .
York…….”The Reagan Economy, he inherited” PLEASE. That was 1970.
The fact remains that the highway conditions that you like to blame on the Gov. Brown have not improved in the thirty years since he left, under Duke, Wilson, Davis and the current governor either!
Last year, General Brown speaking at the funeral of the slain Oakland cops spoke of his “maturity” and how his previous stance on determinnet sentancing needed to be “revisited”. This is a guy who has matured and learned.
I struggle to understand how ANYONE who has lived here (My family has for 150 years) could support the likes of Whitman. I know you don’t but lighten up and take a walk in the woods as Bobby Wier told us last month!
Let’s burn the whole place down. Hotels on the beach, shit in the sea, strip malls on the mountainside. THATS THE REAL CALIFORNIA!
Jerry Brown is no “environmental extremist.” I’ll be writing more about AB 32, it is not the job-killing monstrosity certain special interests portray it as. Brown’ll be the guy to kick e-Meg’s butt, and I hope we can convince him of the wisdom of single-payer health care.
if its brown FLUSH HIM DOWN
I’d vote for Satan and his minions before I’d vote for the former incompetent governor Jerry Brown. He has followers? Why? Are they fools? This is the guy who wasn’t paying attention in 1978 when property taxes were rising and Howard Jarvis devised a clever way to disguise his commercial property interests as a tax revolt. Then, when the tax inequity was passed, Brown all but claimed the idea was his. Get this guy out of public office.