UPDATE: Allan Bartlett has helped close the circle on the Daly-Barbre financial connection. Here is the link that shows a $1000 campaign contribution from Barbre back to Daly. Even if there is no overt kickback here it sure stinks like Hell.
Has there been fiscal misfeasance by Tom Daly at the County Clerk/Recorder’s office? As we previously indicated, here, OC Clerk Recorder paid self-styled public relations “consultant” and Municipal Water Board member Brett Barbre tens of thousands of dollars in 2008 and 2009 to assist in the creation of some sort of OC sports “hall of fame.” A public records search has turned up invoices from Barbre to Tom Daly’s department for almost $50,000, with almost nothing to show for it. Interestingly, as early as March, 2009 Barbre, who is a Republican, made himself conspicuous as an endorser of Daly in his now defunct campaign for 4th District County Supervisor.
What the records show is that in February 2008 the County Clerk’s office engaged the services of Barbre in a contract for $15,000 and later in a $3000 per month extension, to delve into the subject of creating a sports hall of fame museum.
No wonder our County is so broke. We have Tom Daly to thank for wasting taxpayers money. Tom Daly is the reason I dislike politicians.
Is this the same Bret Barbre who has been pimping that guy Street (helped him get elected) who has been in legal hot water?
Holy shit, a sports hall of fame museum in this economy?
This is’nt 1997 in an internet bubble. People are struggling and losing their homes and this jack ass sends his frien $50K?
Pimp, anybody who has contact with ANYBODY who is close to Chriss Street should stay a few paces behind. The kharma GOD is gonna catch up with that scumbag.
Barbre is a HUGE sports fan. How many FREE tickets to Anaheim sporting events do you think Daly was able to give him with his connections from being Councilman/Mayor all those years? I believe the Anaheim Council has several VIP Boxes at Anaheim Stadium and the Pond. How many of those tickets do you think Barbre disclosed?
WTF: Great question. Maybe that deserves an FOI request to the City of Anaheim to see who really gets those tickets. And who’s responsible for handing them out? And what’s their value?
I can’t believe this is happening in today’s economy. Barbre and Tom are in cahoots on this one! Both slime ripping us off…Daly should have to RESIGN over this.