If this nutjob, arrested this weekend for threatening Eric Cantor, is a Democrat (because he gave to Obama’s campaign two years ago)…
Then I guess these whackos, also arrested this weekend (for plotting to kill policemen) must be Republicans, since they’re against the government and the U. N., love weapons, and call themselves “Christian.”
Seriously, the freaks are out in full force and it’s not funny any more. Well, maybe in a sort of black-humor way. But I fear this is all going to end badly. Let’s stop all this tit-for-tat and try to do our little bit here to tone things down.
(OR not.)
far left vern you know both sides do this so dont think that the far left never does these things too . i renember when they did a movie THE ASSISNATION OF PRES BUSH . can you even think what would happen if they did a movie today the assisnation of obama . OH MY GOD HOW COULD THEY DO THAT , RACIST . TOTAL LACK OF RESPECT FOR THE PRES . its ok to do a movie about a rep , but a dem . they cant do that . hmmmm
No Grate One I don’t remember that movie, must have been pretty obscure.
But thanks for showing that you don’t read a word of the posts you comment on. Even when they’re barely 100 words long and completely non-partisan.
The ASS-IS-Nation ? fruedian slip?
Vernon – remember how your pals in the MSM were reporting about a brick thrown through the window of a Congressman’s office?
Problem – the office was on the 30th floor.
Assclowns – the word of the day.
Add the young Sergeant to the Grate One – two geniuses who don’t bother to even skim the posts they comment on. I guess they see my name, and MAYBE the title, and they think they know what it says, and spout right off.
Even 104 words is too much for these brainiacs.
oh vern your so smart your a far leftie better than everyone and plays the piano too boo hoo . maybe you can understand these words i know they are not up to your so called high standard of 104 words .
Grate One, I’m just disappointed that you don’t really read what I write, and just throw in comments anyway. Let me repeat my last paragraph, because I do think you’re smart enough to understand it:
Seriously, the freaks are out in full force and it’s not funny any more… I fear this is all going to end badly. Let’s stop all this tit-for-tat and try to do our little bit here to tone things down.
See, so it didn’t make any sense for you to respond with your typical “leftwingers do it too.” My post wasn’t about rightwingers “doing it.”
well sorry vern maybe i got distracted i was doing something else and posting on here . so i jumped the gun im sorry . see im not as bad as you think i am we just dont agree on lots of things .