Part-time Park Santiago resident Don Cribb is famous for being the “father” of the Santa Ana arts movement. Cribb isn’t in town very often. Cribb admitted last year that he maintains a second residence in Century City. But that didn’t prevent Santa Ana Councilman David Benavides from appointing Cribb to represent Ward 4 on the Santa Ana Environmental and Transportation Advisory Committee, or ETAC, even though Cribb lives in Ward 3.
Those of us who live in Park Santiago know that Cribb isn’t around much. In fact today his house was the only one on my street that didnt’ have any trash cans in front. Why bother? He isn’t here enough to generate any trash!
Even worse, Cribb’s house appears to be in violation of City code. As you can see in the slideshow above, it is not painted properly. It has looked like that for months. You can usually see furniture piled up in the living room too. Cribb clearly isn’t there much.
Click here to read the rest of this post, and to see a slideshow of Don Cribb’s crib.
If this house belonged to a large family of Mexicans living in French Park neighborhood how long do you think it would be before Code Enforcement was all over it with fines? This house has been like this for at least 10 years or more. Why does Cribb still get special treatment? He likes to tell the rest of the city how it should be planned but can’t even get a coat of paint on his own house! How does he make a living anyway? Does he “work” in West Hollywood where he lives? Maybe you should call the Vice Squad as well. Also, why is the city giving his Art Club free space at the Train station that could be rented out? Art can you get some more interior shots of his home through the windows? I wonder if it’s even safe inside? A friend of mine at city hall says that whenever he gets in trouble he calls up City Manager Cindy Nelson calls off the dogs.
You should call Tim Rush or Debbie McEwen about this. I am sure they would help you get code enforcement after Don Cribb. Oh I forgot, Cribb is white so this is acceptable.
Sean…It’s sad to say but there some who would prefer to live next door to a beat up house where the owner is a single man who is never home to a house ready for a photo shoot by Sunset Magazine but occupied by a large extended Latino family or families. Add to that loud Ranchero music being played by the Latino family and you can guess why Cribb’s neighbors next door don’t mind.
Can you post a photo of Mr. Cribb? I think I may know him.