State Senator Lou Correa co-authors a bill to put limits on public employee pensions

“Tapping into public resentment toward government pay perks, a state senator has introduced legislation that would put limits on the retirement benefits of government workers,” according to the Daily Democrat.

Who is that State Senator?  His name is Joe Simitian (D-Palo Alto), but more importantly to those of us here in Orange County a more familiar name has co-authored the bill, S.B. 1425.  No, I am not talking about Chuck DeVore, or Diane Harkey, or Jim Silva.  Nope.  The co-author of this bill, which will do a lot to control rising public employee pension costs is none other than State Senator Lou Correa (D-Anaheim)!

Under this “bill, bonuses awarded for seniority, extra pay for nighttime work and raises given to employees to put them on par with other employees, all which currently count toward the final salary, would no longer count.”

This is a great first start!  Thank you State Senator Correa for doing the right thing in the face of so much pressure from union bosses!

That Correa is doing this in an election year underscores the extent to which he puts doing the right thing ahead of what is convenient.

About Art Pedroza