Dan Chmielewski of The Liberal OC aired what sounded like a very personal grudge against anonymous bloggers and commenters at the NUFF Forum featuring five well known political bloggers. He said that those who didn’t sign their name “lacked testicular fortitude.”
The Constitution guarantees free speech, and those who wish to do so anonymously aren’t exempt from this. To say they lack testicular fortitude is jumping to conclusions. Art Pedroza pointed out that Benjamin Franklin had -at various points prior to the American Revolution, written several opinions anonymously. Did this make his points less valuable? No, it didn’t.
Now, does it irritate Dan Chmielewski that he doesn’t know the identity of many of FFFF’s bloggers and commenters?
Yeah, you can actually level this same criticism at Sean Mill. And Art doesn’t enter the fray with his Benjamin Franklin argument when Sean starts ranting about anonymous commenters.
Actually Art does. He still allows anonymous commenters here so obviously he defends you.
However I agree with Dan that if you are going to level a personal attack at someone then you should have the “balls” to use your own name. I use my own name everytime I post here.
That’s the difference between myself and Art and folks like Tommy Boy Gordon and Claudio Gallegos. We say what we say using our own names, they on the other hand hide in the shadows and snicker like junior high girls.
I would have to say that silently sitting back and allowing anonymous commenters is a much different type of “defense” than, as I said, entering the fray and posting a comment defending anonymity with his Ben Franklin argument when said commenters are attacked.
That said, I guess the cat is out of the bag regarding Art’s point of view.