It was a great joy to see that “Hurt Locker” got the Academy Award last night. For those who have not seen the movie…..anyone political should be required to rent it immediately. It might be too intense to watch on the big screen. Even so, it makes you feel amazed, proud and shocked. Too bad that those that presently represent us in an elected sense, leave us simply amazed and shocked! Congratulations to Kate Bigelow, the first woman ever to recieve the Academy Award for Best Director!
So what does the Academy Awards have to do with real life? Well, Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin were just OK. Not bad..Not that great. We would have liked Billy Crystal, Tracey Ullman, Bill Maher or Eddie Murphy better! Sort of like the various political candidates you get to choose from: “Our choice never seemingly gets a chance!” We get left with flawed choices, with people we have a tough time relating to. Or that are just OK, used to be great and now have passed their “prime time” years. Maybe, they are great but just not great in the part they get cast for. Hey, even Academy Award winner Sandra Bullock has made a few stinkers!
Well, who are these people that we must choose from? Party bosses, Monied Political Operatives, Political Hacks, Political Writers, Power Brokers in Smoke Filled Rooms (Cigars with Male or Female Lap Dancers – of course!) … basically, someone else making the candidate decisions before we even get to make a scratch on our ballots. Then those same candidates/electeds hire these “weasels” they call staff, which are not only “politically unresponsive”, but think they are working for a CEO at a Fortune 100 Company! They insulate, they equivacate, they set up walls and problems every time “Joe Citizen” has a problem. They are excellent at “acting like they are doing you a favor” if they are forced to assist in anything. Their boss has a funny way of always voting “the wrong way” at pivotal times! Always against the best interest of “his/her constituents” – and for a specific “special interest” that by pure coincidence, winds up filling up their present/future campaign coffers!
Well, the time has come to throw out the bathwater….just once! In the next election, vote only for the people you want elected. Not the ones you have any doubt about. Not any that you may have to hold your nose to vote for. None that because of party affiliation… think you need to vote for. For once if the ballot has 23 Initiatives……only vote for ones you absolutely, positively believe in! If you don’t know – Don’t do Anything! If you read the candidate statements and they all leave you cold – Don’t vote for those people. If you see a list of Judges, who either get their jobs through appointment or through four people that put up their entire Campaign Cash……Do Not Vote for them! We didn’t see “Crazy Heart” yet, but we loved Jeff Bridges other films. From the trailer, “Blind Side” looked like a wonderful movie….will definitely rent that one!
We guess we are asking the impossible. We are asking that people stop being Lemmings going over a clift for once! “DO….DON’T DO! There is NO Try!” said Yoda! Time to throw out the stinky bathwater….even if that may include a few babies in the process! If we make mistakes in judgment…let us do it because we looked into the issue, character or record of those running – and made our best guess! Some say the process is too complicated…too confusing! Of course it is, otherwise we would have decent government, with “electeds” that actually cared about” the people” and our country! It all really boils down to common courtesy and genuine thoughtfulness! Hard to find…these days! Guess it always was! Special thanks to those who have served with these concepts in mind!
if the ballot has 23 Initiatives……only vote for ones you absolutely, positively believe in! If you don’t know – Don’t do Anything!
I disagree on that one, Ron and Anna. If you’re not sure about an initiative, vote NO! Our state government is drowning under initiatives and ballot-box budgeting.
I hope I can convince everyone here to vote yes on 15; 13 may also be harmless. Default position is NO on everything else!
*Sorry Vern….that is what we think we were trying to say.
We agree! Understand as completely as possible what you are voting for. The problem however is the famous NO is Yes and YES is NO issue which predominates most election cycles. Our point it that it is better NOT to touch the issue either way if you are unsure. Too many cases of voting NO blanket and them finding out that three in five NO’s meant YES, which also could be harmful.