We Won! Usually we don’t. Celebrate!

I mean seriously. Those of us who don’t have the Malefactors of Great Wealth backing our every move – I mean, us rebel upstarts – you and me – we don’t usually win when our interests are threatened. But today we did, thanks to our tireless fighting. If you hadn’t heard: today we learn, the state has rejected all the bids to buy the Orange County Fairgrounds.

The great minds running things in Sacramento had thought that this would be a surefire way to get hundreds of millions to go toward covering the state’s debt. But the low-ass bids that came in – the highest being Craig Realty’s 56.5 million – really couldn’t be considered worth endangering a beloved local treasure. Even in Arnold’s eyes, bless him.

We may now be looking at the alternative of the JPA (Joint Powers Agreement) between the city of Costa Mesa and Orange County buying the property – so we never have to deal with the state trying to yank this treasure away from us again.  More importantly, we need to look at getting rid of the useless Fair Board, who set this half-assed idea in motion with some dopey assumption that they could buy the property themselves.  And may this rotten albatross hang around the necks of Dave Ellis, Dale Dykema and Kristina Dodge for years to come.

But we’ve won, friends!  Enjoy the smell of victory in the morning!

To read the original press release about the rejection of the OC Fair bids, issued by Assemblyman Jose Solorio’s office, click here.

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at vernpnelson@gmail.com, or 714-235-VERN.