Sometimes it’s nice to know you’re not alone.
Last week we were alerted to a mysterious new blog called “Who is Craig Hunter,” which claims to reveal the true power structure behind the candidacy of the Anaheim Deputy Chief for County Sheriff.
The blog seems focused the connections between political heavyweight Mike Schroeder and Hunter, who is called Schroeder’s protegé. Hunter was hand picked to fill in the void left by ex-sheriff Mike Carona’s felony conviction, alleges the author who goes by the pseudonym “V”.
The more people learn about OCSD, the more they should be concerned about corruption.
Unlike the author of this post, I actually met with Hunter and interviewed him for two hours. He is a decent man and a great candidate for Sheriff.
Bill Hunt is a friend of known racists including Joe Arpaio, Jim Gilchrist and Barbara Coe. I would NEVER vote for him!
Didn’t Hunter go to Santa Ana High? Don’t you think it’s confusing with one guy named Hunt and another named Hunter both running?
Very! But Hunter is on the ballot as a “Deputy Chief of Police,” while poor Hunt is on the ballot as a “private investigator.” No bueno for Hunt!
So Schroder is trying to control politicians like hutchens pimp the G man’ in Sacto isn’t?
Will he stop the violation of CVC 21663 by Motor Cycle Cops on sidewalks ????
So Art says Hunt is a friend of racists? He’s got my vote then!!!! Not that I can stand true racists but Art’s interpretation of a racist-enforcing our country’s laws-makes me proud to….oh well, better not say it, it got some councilman in trouble last month
#3 “Malinchista?” As in “pinche Malinche?” Isn’t that the Aztec woman who betrayed Cuahtemoc to the Spanish or something? Mexico’s version of an Uncle Tom? What’s up with your choice of nicknames?
Whoever these guys are they know their way around local political RINO landscape. Art. Keep talking about Arpaio, Coe and Gilchrist as “friends” of Hunt. It will help him get elected.
Flip flop,
The only thing you Huntistas are going to accomplish is 4 more years of Hutchens.
Hunter will be the Chief in Anaheim eventually.
As for Hunt, he will go back to investigating cheating spouses.
That’s not how it works Art. The chief of Mickey Mouse land is appointed much like Hutchens. Seeing as Hunter isn’t very well liked over there I don’t think that would happen. After all if it was in the bag as chief Mickey he wouldn’t take the chance with all the mud dredging he’s getting now right? Besides which don’t you think the Anaheim powers that be know about his bloody beating of a restrained Mexican in a district that is 50% Hispanic . You’re right. Probably not. Or at least they pretend he didn’t cost the city 300 large.
So Art says Hunt is a friend of racists? He’s got my vote then!!!! Not that I can stand true racists but Art’s interpretation of a racist-enforcing our country’s laws-makes me proud to….oh well, better not say it, it got some councilman in trouble last month
Poor Dead White Male. How could anybody seriously accuse you of racism?
Okay. Enough time elapse for the laughter to die down? It’s hard to tell while posting comments. This other fellow you’re referring to, I remember him pretty clearly, is this your brother?