AB 2072 passed by the State Assembly, by a 57-7 vote

The deaf person in the video above supports AB 2072

UPDATE: Click here to see the latests news on AB 2072 (June 12, 2010)

Assembly Bill 2072, which is written by Assemblyman Tony Mendoza, was passed by the California State Assembly yesterday, by a vote of 57 to 7. There were also 20 abstentions. Click here to see who voted and how they voted.

This bill will bring us up to par with most other states. It will give parents of newborns who have been identified to be deaf choice. Instead of being told only about American Sign Language Schools they will be given a pamphlet that will advise them about other options, including cochlear implants.

Isn’t choice a good thing?

The sign language cultists don’t think so. They don’t want parents to know their options. They want to doom all deaf children to ASL. Suprisingly a few nutty Republicans, such as Audra Strickland, agree. Luckily they are in the extreme minority.

The bill goes to the State Senate next.  I expect they will approve it too.  Time to start lobbying Governor Schwarzenegger!

Click here for more information about this bill.

About Art Pedroza