California Republican Party endorses Shawn Nelson for Supervisor

Shawn Nelson is backed by both Chris Norby and the OC GOP and now the California GOP


Contact: Mark Standriff, (916) 448-9496

California Republican Party Endorses Shawn Nelson for Orange County Supervisor

SACRAMENTO, CA – This morning the Board of Directors of the California Republican Party voted to convey the official endorsement of the California Republican Party to Orange County Supervisor candidate Shawn Nelson. Last week, Nelson was overwhelmingly endorsed by the Orange County Republican Party, and the state organization followed suit, at the request of Scott Baugh, Chairman of the Orange County GOP.

“Republican voters in North Orange County should know that Shawn Nelson is official candidate of the local and state Republican parties,” said California Republican Party Chairman Ron Nehring. “With the unions already spending big bucks, and the presence of a viable Democrat in the race, it is critical that Republicans rally behind Nelson’s candidacy.”

California Republican Party Vice Chairman — South Jon Fleischman, who made the motion to endorse Nelson, had this to say about the vote, “It is critical that we elect Republicans to local office who understand the challenges presented by the insidious
influence of public employee unions, and their insatiable appetite for unsustainable taxpayer-funded benefits. Shawn Nelson is clearly the candidate who is prepared to deal aggressively to curb the influence of public employee unions.”

Former Supervisor Norby is endorsing Nelson, as is U.S. Representative Ed Royce and many other Republican leaders, including Senator Mimi Walters, Supervisor Pat Bates and Supervisor John Moorlach. Last week the Orange County Republican Party officially endorsed Nelson.

Councilmember Shawn Nelson is a fiscal conservative who was elected to the Fullerton City Council in November 2002. He served as Mayor in 2004-05 and 2006-07. Nelson is a California native who was raised in Fullerton. The Sunny Hills High School graduate holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from USC, and a Juris Doctorate from Western State University College of Law. He was named the “Local Elected Official for 2009” by the Orange County Republican Party. Active in the community, Councilmember Nelson is a member of the Fullerton Elks Lodge and the Fullerton Chamber of Commerce. He is actively involved as a member of Zion Lutheran Church, is a sponsor and “Soccer Dad” for the Fullerton Rangers youth soccer club, and is head coach and a parent sponsor for Fullerton Pop Warner Football’s Junior Peewee Team.

California Republican Party 1903 W. Magnolia Blvd., Burbank, CA 91506
818-841-5210 | 916-448-9496 1215 K. Street, Suite 1220, Sacramento, CA 95814


About Art Pedroza