Carpetbagger Harry Sidhu picks up an April Fool’s Day endorsement

Apparently carpetbagger Harry Sidhu and the OC Tax PAC are joining us in some April Fool’s Day pranks.  Here is their “press release” announcing the endorsement of Sidhu for the 4th Supervisorial District, on April Fool’s Day.  How fitting.

OCTaxPAC Endorses Mayor Pro Tem Harry Sidhu for Orange County’s Open 4th District Supervisor Seat


CONTACT: Tim Clark (916) 933-6203

(Anaheim, CA) – The Orange County Taxpayers Association Political Action Committee (OCTaxPAC) has announced its endorsement of Mayor Pro Tem Harry Sidhu for Orange County’s open 4th District Supervisor seat. The OCTaxPAC endorsement is the latest in the growing list of prominent organizations and elected leaders supporting Mayor Pro Tem Sidhu for Supervisor.

In announcing the endorsement, OCTaxPAC Secretary Reed L. Royalty stated: “The selection committee considered Harry Sidhu’s background as a successful small-business owner. We reviewed his seven-year record as a city councilmember who actively reduced government regulations and fees, supported private property rights, created private-sector jobs, and heard both sides of any issue before making a decision. We concluded that he shares OCTaxPAC’s belief that taxes and tax-supported programs should be ‘fair, understandable, cost effective, and good for the economy.’ (OCTaxPAC’s mission statement).”

OCTaxPAC joins Assemblyman Jim Silva, Assemblyman Jeff Miller, Board of Supervisors Chair Janet Nguyen and Vice Chair Bill Campbell, Board of Equalization Member Michelle Steel, Anaheim Mayor Curt Pringle, the California Republican Assembly, ATLAS PAC, and Republican National Committeeman Shawn Steel, among dozens of others, in supporting Harry Sidhu for Supervisor.

Mayor Pro Tem Harry Sidhu was first elected to the Anaheim City Council in 2004 and was overwhelmingly re-elected to a second term in 2008. On the council, he quickly established a reputation as a tough-minded advocate for streamlined, efficient government and as a champion of small business. Harry also ensured the protection of property rights through the successful passage of a City Charter Amendment prohibiting eminent domain abuse. As a local business owner, he employs over 120 people with sales of close to $5 million a year.

For more information on Harry Sidhu’s candidacy for OC Supervisor, visit:

About Art Pedroza