Media Advisory
Contact: Khoi Ta (714) 251-1590
Fountain Valley. April 15, 2010
California Labor Federation Endorses Phu Nguyen for 68th State Assembly
Fountain Valley, CA – The California Federation of Labor and the Orange County Labor Federation (OCLF) has endorsed Phu Nguyen for the 68th State Assembly. Tefere Gebre, OC Labor Federation’s Executive Director stated, “We are pleased to announce our endorsement for Phu Nguyen who will be a strong friend of working people in the 68th State Assembly District. At a time when so many families are living on the edge, when ordinary folks are losing their homes and livelihood, we need leaders with vision and courage. Phu is a great leader who understands that the number one priority in addressing this brutal and stubborn recession is to bring more sustainable jobs to Orange County.”
“I am very humbled to have the support of so many of California’s hard working men and women who are the backbone of our economy. As the next assembly representative of the 68th, I will work with the Labor Federation and my fellow colleagues to bring new jobs and our fare share of tax dollars into the district to help stimulate our local economy. Our hard working residents deserve no less. Together, we will defeat this recession and steer our county and state back onto the road to recovery,” Phu Nguyen stated upon receiving the labor endorsements.
The California Labor Federation represents from than 2.1 million union members in manufacturing, retail, construction, hospitality, public sector, health care, entertainment, and other industries from more than 1,200 AFL-CIO and Change to Win unions.
Phu Nguyen is endorsed by Speaker Pro Tem Fiona Ma, State Senator Lou Correa, and Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez. For a complete list of endorsements, please visit
Labor is endorsing Phu, he just lost my vote. That’s not a good thing these days when we see what the unions are costing California taxpayers on their road to bankrupting this State. Too bad.
Labor always endorses Democrats. What did you think they would endorse chronic union-basher Mansoor? Unions are important JT, even if you have some criticisms. I have to run. Someone take this over?
Unless you are part of the very priviliged, perhaps those top 1% who own more wealth than the bottom 80%,you have to be just plain ignorant not to understand the real problem of income inequity in America. It’s not unions but rather those interests, the hedge fund foilks over at a place called Wall Street who are screwing the rest of us. Even Obama had to play their game. The unions support the little guys who make up the backbone of this country, and if you are opposed to that, then go ahead and support candidates who take handouts from the very rich and powerful to do their bidding.
Most unions represent working people.
The PAC, Political Action Committees, for the fire and police associations contribute thousands and thousands to elect their (mostly republican) candidates to office.
Here in Garden Grove the entire city council was endorsed and supported by fire and police associations. The city council just approved a 140% rate increase for Garden Grove Paramedics, which appears on your property tax bill.
The previous rate of 2.5% was increased to 6% of the county assessed value of your home. If you currently pay $100.00 for Garden Grove Paramedic the increased rate will be $240.00. That is more than doubling the current rate!
For your information the Garden Grove City Council Secretary’s number is 714-741-5103 to talk to your elected city council members.