Liberal OC editor Dan Chmielewski called Mayor Pro Tem Claudia Alvarez a moron, in a comment posted on his blog. (See the graphic above).
Chmielewski made the comment on a post by Claudio Gallegos, about an apparent poor choice of words by Alvarez, who referred to the terrorist attack on New York on 9/11 as an “accident.”
The post took Alvarez to task for interrupting Minuteman Lupe Moreno during public comments. Moreno and other Republicans in town took offense because the City of Santa Ana initally had scheduled this year’s Fiestas Patrias on September 11. However, the City Manager, Dave Ream, moved the date of the event to September 18.
And, as our blogger Sean Mill pointed out in his own post, the City of Santa Ana held this event on Sep. 11, back in 2004, and no one complained then!
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This is the same Dan Chemilinskwi that for whatever reason ($$$) refuses to callout the fraud and abuse by Red County’s Noise machine maker Matt Cunningham.
Whats up with this guy, from the cheap seats in Irvine it must be pretty easy to take pot shots at Alverez and her unAmerican comment, althewhile running an ad for the Gallinger group.
Looks to me like Ol’ Dan just like his Brethren Jubal knows how to butter his bread.
ADD THE LOC to the sellout list.
Matt Cunningham outed sex-abuse victims.
She is a deviant!
If I continue commenting things abotu her behavior this will make her win her elections…………………..really do you think! Claudia how is your Father and Mother. Say Hi to Barbara… How is Ernie Father and brother doing.. Not much to think about! This should help you get your Judge ship. Alfaro a hidden treasure. Cluadia is the Union Supporting you.