Liberal OC editor Dan Chmielewski calls Mayor Pro Tem Claudia Alvarez a moron

Liberal OC editor Dan Chmielewski called Mayor Pro Tem Claudia Alvarez a moron, in a comment posted on his blog.  (See the graphic above).

Chmielewski made the comment on a post by Claudio Gallegos, about an apparent poor choice of words by Alvarez, who referred to the terrorist attack on New York on 9/11 as an “accident.”

The post took Alvarez to task for interrupting Minuteman Lupe Moreno during public comments.  Moreno and other Republicans in town took offense because the City of Santa Ana initally had scheduled this year’s Fiestas Patrias on September 11.  However, the City Manager, Dave Ream, moved the date of the event to September 18.

And, as our blogger Sean Mill pointed out in his own post, the City of Santa Ana held this event on Sep. 11, back in 2004, and no one complained then!

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About Art Pedroza