So its been more than a week since the Obama regime passed its Health Care Travesty, and people aren’t coming around. The anointed one has gone on a cross country whistlestop to talk up a bill that’s already passed, and it hasn’t done any good. More Americans now disapprove of the Health Care Bill than before it was signed and 53%-37% America now trusts the Republican party with Health Care over Democrats. If that doesn’t give you some idea of how the Obama regime has lost this all by itself, I don’t know what will. Then you have the Government Run Media ratcheting up the smear tactics. Tea Party rallies are slandered with accusations which are later recanted. There are threats to infiltrate Tea Party Rallies in the future. Well, that won’t be too difficult, seeing as how four in ten Tea Party members are Democrats or Independents.
See, if you just learn the reality of whats going on out there, its easy to understand why there is so much anti Tea Party hysteria. 48-44%, America believes its views and values are closer to the Tea Party than to the Obama regime. The Left has always been about demagoguery. The postcard above was addressed from the US Senate campaign of Kim Hendren. Kim is a Republican state senator from Arkansas. Now, unless you are deluded enough to think this is a right wing fake to impersonate a slander of a right wing candidate, you know where this comes from. The same angry mob that throws eggs at buses, sandbags from overpasses, and bricks through windows. This is an extension of the slander campaign by the Democrats, the Obama regime and the Government Run Media that the Tea Party somehow isn’t real, is motivated by something other than a desire for freedom and liberty, and are, as Nancy Pelosi suggested, Nazis.
But it isn’t working…
While Tea Party members have a more favorable bent towards Republicans in general, they are not a homogenous group. That number drops to about 57% when asked about Republicans in Congress specifically. So the GOP has a ways to go before earning the vote of the Independents. Many favor infrastructure spending as a way to create jobs. Many others view reducing unemployment more than reducing the debt as a priority. But what they universally share is a dislike for the job President Obama is doing. Over 80 percent disapprove of the job the President as doing, higher than the GOP average. 95% disapprove of the Democrat congress.
The attacks on the decent people showing up to voice their opinions is an attempt by the Left and its mouthpieces to change the subject. But they won’t change the hurt and betrayal of the middle Americans who believed Obama meant what he said, who didn’t want government to take over Health Care, who didn’t want our President to apologize to the world, and who wanted a President who believed in American excellence. In the words of one lifelong Democrat from the mid-west, a place the Democrats are hemorraghing voters:
Roxanne Lewis expressed a similar point of view. A small business owner in Grand Junction, Lewis described herself as a lifelong Democrat and called the president a “phenomenal speaker.” She voted for him because she “believed in what he was saying: change.”
But, Lewis added, “I should’ve listened a lot closer when he talked about ’spreading the wealth.’ “
Asked how she feels about having voted for the president, Lewis said “I feel lied to, cheated and raped.”
Oh, and did everyone catch the interview with Alan Greenspan last Sunday? The former Fed Wizard for Bill Clinton said that Obamacare will ‘probably” devastate the economy.
Oh ya, and Mr. Greenspan sure knows a thing or two about devastating the economy.
(That was my original short snarky comment I had planned, then I clicked on the link, and – as so often with Crowley – it doesn’t even say what he says it says.)
Vern, quit feeding the Trolls. I’m warning you,,,,,,,,,,,INTERVENTION,…seriously.
Which link does not say what Crowley represents, the one that links to the CBS poll that says that most Americans oppose Obamacare by a 53-32 margin (Crowley actually gave an extra 5% to your side there Vern)? Or the ones that document the unproven accusations from the left against Tea Partiers about spitting and racial epithets? Or the one that shows that 40+% of Tea Partiers (yes, it’s from a right-leaning group) are Independents and Democrats? Or was it the one where Greenspan states that Obamacare costs will probably be much higher than originally claimed (major shocker there).
I presume you’re referecing the last link (but I just couldn’t help myself when I noticed you ignored the other links). So what does it say:
“When asked by Tapper if the CBO’s projections [on healthcare costs] were too ‘rosy’, Greenspan said that was a distinct possibility and his gut instinct tells him the real numbers likely will be higher than what the congressional budget watchdog estimated.
‘The probability that it (the costs) might be is probably much higher than I think we would like,’ Greenspan said.”
So you ignore the fact that one of the most powerful economic players has stated that Obamacare costs will far outstrip the CBO’s original estimate to attack Crowley’s interpretation of the quote. Yes, Greenspan never specifically said it would “devastate” the economy. And I know you’re never given to hyperbole Vern, so I can see why you would make your snarky comment. I take it from the post you’re not a fan of Greenspan, but let’s not forget the legion of other reports that Obamacare will cost infinitely more than the CBO has stated, not to mention the basic common sense that every entitlement program has cost untold amounts more than originally estimated. But those are just pesky facts, so why let them get in the way?
And Vern, let me compliment you on your growing cadre of classy supporters.
Yo Newb!
I skim thru Crowley’s posts, not having time to respond to every single assertion of his (that’s why I need my growing cadre!) He and I both rush to post every time we see a poll that shows our own opinions to be popular, which is sort of immature – I had said I wasn’t going to do that but I did it again a couple days ago with a California poll –
When I got to his final paragraph, I couldn’t help myself though – Alan Greenspan, who more than possibly any other government official (Rubin and Summers were in and out of the private sector) helped create the financial crisis and recession we’re in now – darkly warning of economic devastation?
But before I hit “send” I decided to click on that link, as I’ve previously had the experience that Crowley will play fast and loose with what a linked article actually says. And you, Newbie, are also mischaracterizing Greenspan’s comment. (Not that I’d even necessarily take anything he said as gospel, BUT…)
He DIDN’T say “Obamacare costs WILL far oustrip etc.” He said the “probability” that it might is “higher than we would like.” That doesn’t even mean it’s “probable,” it means it’s possible. And listen to you! A “legion” of other reports say it’ll cost INFINITELY more! That is really A LOT!
We’ll see, I hope you characters’ dire warnings are way off base, for the sake of all of us. Funny how you swear up and down on the authority of the “non-partisan CBO” when they’re saying something you like.
Dunno, if I have lotsa time available later today or tomorrow (unlikely) I may check out the rest of this post more closely. Nice if anonster, gericault, anon, ww, duplojohn or sunny would meanwhile.
And all of you “conservatives” losing sleep over how much Obamacare will supposedly cost, are beset with total amnesia over the insanely spiraling healthcare costs WITHOUT reform. None of you ever really wanted to do anything about that (except for LOL tort reform which is a teensy percentage of the problem but would discomfit those nasty Dem-leaning trial lawyers.) The goal of Obamacare (along with insuring more Americans and saving lives) is to slow down this inexorable rise. You can’t just take the purported cost of the reform without comparing with the cost of doing nothing.
a fact to a lib like vern is like kriptonyte to superman . in nov we can defund the disater that is called NOBAMACARE .
Let me be the first to say that the CBO’s “scoring” of bills is a gimmick and a joke regardless of which side touts it. The CBO is hamstrung by the rigged facts in the bill it is given, as evidenced by its inability to factor in the Medicare fix because the Democrats passed it as a separate bill, rather than as part of Obamacare. But I digress.
I also saw your California post the other day. Congratulations on having a majority of the state who have their heads in the sand. I’m more interested in how the country feels, and most, if not all, of the polls I’ve seen (even some that aren’t from right-wing outfits) say that a majority of Americans are against Obamacare, now even more than ever. I admit I live in a Blue State, but if a Republican can win a Senate seat in Massachusetts, anything can happen.
And I can’t speak for other “conservatives” but, in addition to tort reform, I would like to see other measures implemented (such as insurance across state lines) that would cost very little to implement, but potentially could result in reduced or slower growing premiums (yes Vern, premiums will still go up even under your Obamacare). If those fail, then you can make your “co-opt 1/6 of the economy because the sky-is-falling” argument. But since Obama and the Democrats are beholden to the trial lawyers, I doubt we’ll ever see that kind of reform.
It’s always a pleasure Vern, particularly when you’re in a jovial mood.
Are you Republicans trying to have a conversation about fiscal responsibility and deficits???????×2678226
because you suck at it……..
Funny, ww posted a comment here yesterday, and now it’s been permanently disappeared.
He/she apologized for no longer commenting on Crowley’s posts with the excuse that Crowley plagiarizes, and put up a link to a story where several sentences of Terry’s beloved anti-same-sex-marriage rant were taken from without attribution. I wonder how that comment disappeared?
Anyway I have to disagree with ww, it’s important to debunk harmful fallacies here whether they are original or not!