Melissa Fox on CAPO deal: Applause for teachers, parents and students. Recall trustees Winsten & Maddox!

from Melissa Fox, candidate for 70th Assembly District:

The great news today is that the teachers’ strike at Capistrano Unified School District is over.

For months, the teachers at CUSD attempted to negotiate with an ideologically rigid and anti-public education board of trustees that refused to bargain in good faith.

Instead, the trustees attempted to use the budget crisis as an excuse to destroy the teachers’ union and force a strike.

Today, under pressure from a united community, the board of trustees has been forced to bargain in good faith and to agree that the teachers’ 10 percent pay cut and furloughs are temporary rather than permanent.

When parents and students stand with teachers, public education wins.

I am proud to have walked with you on the picket line and I thank the teachers for their courage and determination, and the thousands of parents and students who kept the pressure on the trustees to bargain in good faith.

Now we need to continue to ensure the highest quality education for our children by supporting the recall of anti-public education CUSD trustees Mike Winsten and Ken Maddox.

CUSD needs trustees who are committed to quality public education. These trustees have shown that they are more committed to the anti-public education ideology of outside influences such as the extremist Education Alliance than to our children.


April 27, 2010

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About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at, or 714-235-VERN.