Press Release:
Group organizes Mission Viejo TEA Party
Mission Viejo, CA, April 2, 2010 – Mission Viejo residents will participate in a Taxed Enough Already (TEA) Party on Thurs., April 15. Community members are invited to join the nationwide protest with a rally at the center of town, on the corners of La Paz and Marguerite. The Mission Viejo TEA Party will begin at 5:00 p.m. and continue until 6:30 p.m.
Organizing the event are members of Saddleback Republican Assembly, a unit of California Republican Assembly. Matt Corrigan, president of SRA, said the event will be a reunion for many TEA Party participants. Approximately 600 people attended the first TEA Party in Mission Viejo on April 15, 2009.
Mission Viejo TEA Party patriots are rallying to exercise their freedom of speech and oppose the growth of government and spending. Their concerns include the government takeover of healthcare, trillions of borrowed dollars for future generations to repay, redistribution of wealth, punishment for responsible behavior and rewards for irresponsible behavior.
Corrigan said, “We’re inviting community members of all ages and political parties to join our peaceful protest on April 15. We’re standing up to protect our freedoms and the Constitution on which our country was founded.”
Signs will be available at the rally, but participants are encouraged to create their own signs and bring American flags to wave. Look for information and updates on, this weekend’s edition of and the county’s premier news blog,
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For information, call Matt Corrigan, SRA president, (949) 830-8088.
Look how quickly Republicans are running to get ahold of the rope to avoid their own hanging.
Larry M. Keep away from whatever you are drinking.It’s messing with your logic.
Everyone is going to be affected by the takeover of government in every aspect of life. Some might think they will be on the receiving end, and they are wrong.
Larry G,
You can’t rewrite history – wasn’t the first $700 billion bailout started under the Republicans in Oct 2008? -Didn’t Republicans push Medicare spending through the roof with the reform of Dec 2003? -And who ran up the national debt with spending on the Iraq war while pushing tax reductions instead of actually paying it?
As those insurance and drug companies getting 32 million new patients are owned and run by Republicans who have been big party contributors – me thinks the Reeps doth protest too much.
Larry M.
If it makes you feel good, go ahead and shoot the messenger. This is a “Press Release” from the event organizers.
I will respond to your comments later.
The only thing these blue-hairs will accomplish on April 15th is tying up traffic during the evening rush hour. Maybe we’ll get lucky and a few of them will step into the path of a passing bus.
Fonzi. Not to worry. Come on down!
Mission Viejo is the safest city in CA. In fact we even have motorcycle cops parked on sidewalks in violation of VC21663. No exceptions. Therefore any wayward busses will be closely watched.
Larry …………..good point.
Fonzi is so angry he wants people to die? Someone who is carrying around that kind of anger is like a time bomb.
Larry G, there was no Larry-on-Larry violence here. Larry M was just wryly observing how what began as a movement against both parties has been co-opted by the GOP, who bear perhaps the largest blame for our debt and fiscal crisis.
Lets be there!.Republicans ,Democrats, Libertarians,and MORE Importat AMERICANS!!!!!!!!!!!. Not more Big goverment!
I covered last year’s events in both Santa Ana and Mission Viejo and can report that not everyone in these TEA Party gatherings is a Republican.
What I can report is that they are all concerned conservative Americans linked arm in arm in opposition to government abuse, waste and fraud
Remember to take local roads or the toll road to get there – no more travel on big government freeways. Also, the Reeps deserve credit for downsizing the public schools by cutting funding – keep up the good work.
Maybe the Fonz will bring his fat keester to the rally. Time he did something other than eat !!!
It’s clear there will be some who will attempt to disrupt, harass, and/or misreport what the Tea Parties are all about — as this is happening nationwide, we should expect it here too. We need to be sure there are police there to assure that there can be a peaceful demonstration by those of us who see that our government has gone badly wrong, and a course correction needs to be made. We also should encourage EVERYONE to bring cameras to fully record the event.
I would like to beleave that all of America would download and read HR 3200. If you do, You Will come to the conclusion that the thought of heath care reform is noble but this Bill is the wrong thing to do. We can not afford all of the spending being done by our government. I said Government ( AS in By The People ) not Dem or Rep or Bush ir Obama.
Will anyone at this “tea Party” Rally have actually read the U.S. Constitution? I have!
ha- its always so funny to hear the “peaceful” liberals expsoing their truly violent inner selfs, not to mention their expression that only “they” have the right to freedom of speech- wackos!