Mission Viejo Trash Talking Part 2

How much should we pay for trash pick-up?

In my earlier post the focus was on the Sloan Vazquez Consulting assessment of the four trash haulers competing for our ten year contract. As consumers in this economy, while the organization and depth of any vendor must surely be weighed, the bottom line is what’s the cost.

Therefore let me provide all four bidders residential rates and a new one called “cart washing.” Yes, the city has requested that, in addition to picking up our trash,  the vendor will  wash our trash cans twice a year.

Residential pick up: Athens is $12.22, CR&R $10.27, Ware $11.52 and Waste Management $13.74 (as reported in part one).

Cart washing: Athens $1.25, CR&R $0.50, Ware $0.17 and Waste Management $1.55

As someone commented in part 1, the consumer cost should carry a heavier weight. He proposed 30-35% rather than the 20% as established by Sloan Vazquez. Based on the four competing bids received, that single factor has a major impact as it relates to  CR&R whose residential rate is 25% lower than W/M.

About Larry Gilbert