Meet the new boss at the Orange Juice – Vern Nelson!
Well folks, it has been a pleasure serving you but I am moving on. I have asked our blogger Vern Nelson to take over as our new Editor. We are hoping to meet this Saturday to get the transition process going.
I will still contribute to this blog, but not nearly as often as I do now.
So why am I doing this? Simply put, I am just too busy and I need to focus more on work and my family. I also think that I have become a detriment to this blog, in some respects. Nelson should be able to sell more ads as he is generally well-liked. We are going to commit the ad revenue to him so he can be compensated for his time.
I am going to look into starting a non-profit organization to take over my New Santa Ana blog as well, so we can dedicate it 100% to serving our community.
I should also note that part of the reason that I am leaving is that over the past year I have tired of all the attacks by the Liberal OC bloggers on myself and this blog. They are now trying to find out who my clients are and who our blogger Sean Mill works for. And of course they are suing me. Their behavior is insane and creepy. I am hoping that they will leave Nelson alone as he take over as our editor, given that he, like them, is a Democrat. The difference is that Nelson is a real Democrat while the blue boys at the Liberal OC are now in league with Red County editor Matt Cunningham and other despicable Republicans. Gross!
One more note, I am going to be working with our webmaster, Terry Crowley, to completely redesign the Orange Juice blog. We are hoping to have it going by next month. Thanks to Terry for all he does for us!
Thanks again for reading the Orange Juice. Without you we would not be the top political blog in Orange County! I am fully confident that Nelson will continue our fine tradition of covering politics in Orange County from every angle. More importantly, I suspect he will be kindler and gentler and perhaps won’t raise hackles as much as I do. I urge all of our bloggers and readers to give their full support to Nelson as he takes the helm!
well, whats next, dogs and cats start fornicating together? Damn it, Art, you should never let those
F%@*tards at the Liberally insane OC dick you like pun intended.
I hope you make lots of money in your buisness endeavors and should you ever get a Mary Jane medical card, we can smoke a bowl together.
Good luck, my friend.
Thanks for your support! Those Lib OC guys have just taken the fun out of this for me. It just isn’t worth it anymore.
But I know our bloggers will keep giving them Hell – and Nelson doesn’t buy into their B.S. either.
My poor wrists can finally rest after writing so many posts over the years… Might need that medical pot just to get over the tendinitis!
Wha – this is official? I thought we were just discussing this. That was quick!
“Nelson is generally well-liked?” People hate my guts!
Well OK then…
Art – Better get that medicinal aide in Santa Ana before Don Papi Pulido successfully closes all the dispensaries operating in the city!
But take and enjoy the well needed rest anyway!
I’m sorry to hear this news, I truly appreciate what you have created here and you should be very proud of how successful the OJ Blog has become. I know you have taken some tough blows, some earned, some not, but you never backed down, you embraced diversity and controversy, which in turn has made this blog so interesting.
I’m glad you’ve left the OJ in Vern’s hands and not Crowley’s, I think he’ll do you proud.
Thank you for all your time and energy and good luck in your future endeavors.
A plague on the Liberal OC!
I am really sorry to hear this, but I totally understand! You have been a hero to many (including me). Your family deserves your time & I am certain that you will move on to bigger & better things, Art. Best of luck & I’ll see you on facebook.
I will miss you Art. Best of luck in your future endeavors.
Congratulations Vern. You’re now the big cheese.
Art, I always blame my problem wrist to writing too. Uh huh!
And lastly, whoever pressured Red Vixen to leave is an azzhole.
You are the man now! I know you will rock.
And you aren’t truly hated until folks are suing you and making dolls that look like you!
Thank you everyone for the kind words. it has been great fighting all these battles on your behalf…
Welcome Vern! The SAUSD teachers are going to need you. I will be emailing you quite often.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha …. and last year ’bout this time you announced you’d ed the Democratic Party.
What I like about this this place is that you welcome all views. What I don’t like about this place is how many people post here that are totally wrong about almost everything 🙂 So thanks Art and keep it going Vern
Hey – Vern is a cool cat. It will be fun jousting with him.
Take care Art!!! don’t be a stranger!!!
Good Luck man.
Changes are tough but required in life.
Plus, when at the end of the day a man determines all the BULLSHIT probably isn’t worth it, it isn’t.
well art this might shock you . BUT I DO HATE TO SEE YOU GO . putting this in far left verns hand is a disater . i do like that most who blog here are wrong . BUT I DID LIKE THE IMMIGRATION BATTELS . good luck to your future ventures .
While I have indeed been around a while, I do not know anything about Vern Nelson and thus am not yet prepared to go along with this change. Nelson should submit his resume to us via this blog so that we can decide for ourselves if he is worthy of our company. How about it?
Been around a while,
Vern has been around a while too! He has been recognized as a past Volunteer of the Year by the Democratic Party, for this region.
Ironically, Vern comes from a conservative Republican family. He told me a funny story once about how one day he was marching with the Democrats in the Huntington Beach 4th of July parade, and Vern’s mom was on the sidewalk yelling out “Baby Killers!” High comedy!
Vern is also a virtuoso musician and a great writer. I am a bit of a hack, by my own admission, as a writer. I specialize in writing fast and moving on to the next post. Vern agonizes over his posts for days. He is far more creative than I.
I won’t be gone completely. I will post about once a week. Right now I am still in charge as we put in place the transition. By next week I hope to have Vern at the helm.
please teach vern to play the race card on any issue over his head. it is so refreshing when it is played and ends all dialogue.
Brother Vern.
I just spoke to Art off -line to thank him for his dedication to challenging the establishment and withstanding the arrowns from other bloggers as he led the Juice Family over the past seven years.
And to my brother Vern we will enjoy a seamless transition as you take over the tough task of editing this informative alternative to MIA local news coverage.
From the bottom of my heart… LOL Art..
You could have easily taken my post’s down, but you did not. This alone tells me you’re a very honest man..
Thank you
And since i know Non-profits are a great little gig to be in – can you give me a job??
I can sell a paper bag:)
Ah, the more things change, the more things stay the same. Best wishes to Art, who can now pick and choose his battles, while his torchbearer Vern carries the OJ blog (kicking and screaming for some already!) slouching toward…the future. Onward Juicebrothers!
Wow, I’m speechless and surprised. I really wish you the best Art with work and family as I 150% understand your reasoning behind this tough decision I’m sure. I know Orange Juice is your baby and for you to leave it behind had to be devastating.
I’m sorry for your current legal battles. What ever happened to freedom of speech? I mean, you would think a blogsite would be the perfect platform for expression.
Well, let me use this opportunity to tell you that you truly are the reason why I started blogging in the first place. This site and your never-ending talks about the latest hot topics you covered here gave me inspiration to start my own blog. You are very blessed with the ability to help others with such ease and no hesitation, (as you always joking put anything with a .com at the end of it) You’ve always given me great advice and support. Thank you!
I know one thing is for certain, the City of Santa Ana is a much safer place with you in it. People like you Art give us continuous drive to help others. Don’t ever change and don’t ever let the haters jade you. I’m sure we will still here about Art Pedroza in Orange County!
You will be missed.
Art…I’m afraid you will soon see that you are the heart and soul of this blog. Without the controversy you bring here, readers will fall away as will ad sales. Hope I’m wrong but I am not.
Art, thanks for the great job you have done! I look forward to your continued inputs, and I wish you much success with your new ventures.
Matt Cunningham outed sex-abuse victims.
Art I know you will enjoy your time with your family, because family is always first.
In the short time that I’ve known you, I have learned to appreciate your knowledge and intellect. I appreciate the opportunity to share my limited perspectives and to learn from you and others.
I am a strong believer in freedom of expression whatever that expression is, and you have provided that forum for all.
no te pierdas mucho…te esperamos con brazos abiertos!
Francisco “Paco” Barragan
Vern Nelson:
Looking forward to your “leadership” on this blog, and possibly meeting in person.
Francisco “Paco”
Art, you’re a legend! And everybody loves you, even the people who love to hate you.
If I’m in charge now, then I expect a post a day from you. Controversy! Hits! Local chismes from your pajaritos! Get cracking, I want to see more traffic!
Okay, take a day off, rest your wrist, kiss your wife. THEN I want a post a day.
Francisco, 11AM this Saturday at the Edinger/Brookhurst Starbucks. I want to talk to you too.
#16 Been around, I hope you’re joking.
#10 Jill, looking forward to your e-mails, let me know what you guys need. I will always be a champion of teachers!
#7 Lam, I’m gonna try to get back our Vixen, and you know where to look for me Art & Paco.
Pothead #1, don’t be so stoned on Election Day this November that you forget to show up and help us legalize the demon weed!
The glory days of the Orange Juice are still ahead of us – see you all tomorrow!
I read this post last night and thought I was dreaming, but now I know it’s for real. Enjoy your time off Art, you need and deserve a break. Thank you for allowing me to cross post on your blog! Happy Sailing 🙂 🙂
Brother Vern, welcome to the jungle.
Buena Suerte!
Bushala, keep up the great cross-posting. Same deal. Just send the prostitutes and drugs over to me now.
#28 – Vern, not totally joking. Sell yourself to us!!!(Art’s description in No. 19 helps). Tell us why you want-or at least are willing – to take on this role and why you are qualified for this leadership position, that’s all. I do not ask to take pot shots, just for self-education. I would assume there are other readers out there who may be as ignorant as I (I do not read any other blogs so that may explain why I do not know much about you). If I am the only one though, guess you can just ignore.
You’re the same person who writes as “Over But Not Out,” aren’t you? (I don’t know why the two different nicknames.) I read your posts. Some of them are pretty good. We have had conversations on the blog. Evidently you don’t read the blog, or you’d know I’ve been writing here over two years – since March 2008. And I think Art is the boss, and he picked me. Maybe you should drop me an e-mail if you have any other questions.
I will give that a try Vern. I do read some of your posts but never know on anypost if the writer speaks from the heart or from the spirit of simply hoping to create controversy and response. So, to me what one writes is not necessarily who one is.
Good luck with all this Vern. I am sure you’ll have a good time with it.
A message that folks need to know is that just because Art is no longer the editor the OJ will remain a “troll free” zone. So Mike Tardif aka junior aka Banned In Santa Ana you can keep spewing your bile elsewhere.
Your garbage will not see the light of day on the OJ no matter how many emails you send to Vern or anyone else. I PROMISE YOU THAT!!!
Art…99.9% of the time that someone says they are quitting something to “spend more time with their family” it is a huge red flag that there is a serious problem in their personal life. We have seen it with Republican Elected officials in Sacramento and across the U.S. with celebrities and politicians. Why don’t you just fess up now instead of having the information leak out little by little. I think you might limit the damage that way. Wishing you the best Art in the future.
It’s Tea Time.
My knee jerk reaction to your comment is to tell you to take a hike.
However, we tolerate people like yourself as we support your free speech rights.
Let me remind you that personal attacks will not be tolerated.
If you make this site as much fun as you made my office Christmas party everyone is in for a treat. Best of luck!
Thanks buddy and say hi to the wife. I liked the constructive criticism I heard from you of the HSR the other day. It seems like people were listening.
I don’t like him anyways…good riddance
Well it’s been nice hearing the chisme from the OC Blog, but since Art is no longer in charge. I am saying goodbye =[
No one will ever replace Art.
Wait, aren’t you saying goodbye to the wrong blog? OC Blog is Matt’s Red-face County. Say goodbye to them instead, we’ll still have plenty CHISMES.
I meant the OC Juice Blog
I might come back and visit if i like the way things are ran after Art has been gone for some time.
Welcome aboard Vern, please keep posting Art.
Now the Art will have some free time, we will have to get together for some “Lawn Bowling”
Vern, if you only knew who I be. Never missed an election and I’m a conservative who thinks todays liberals have more in common with Trotsky then that socialist “deal” guy FDR.
If you had any balls, like Art, you’d already told a few of these assholios to GFT when they ask you for your resume. Your posts are all they need to read.
I bid farewell to the Juice. Without Art, it won’t be the same. Good Luck to Vern on all his endeavors.