Pedroza out as editor – time for regime change at the Orange Juice blog!

Meet the new boss at the Orange Juice – Vern Nelson!

Well folks, it has been a pleasure serving you but I am moving on.  I have asked our blogger Vern Nelson to take over as our new Editor.  We are hoping to meet this Saturday to get the transition process going.

I will still contribute to this blog, but not nearly as often as I do now.

So why am I doing this?  Simply put, I am just too busy and I need to focus more on work and my family.  I also think that I have become a detriment to this blog, in some respects.  Nelson should be able to sell more ads as he is generally well-liked.  We are going to commit the ad revenue to him so he can be compensated for his time.

I am going to look into starting a non-profit organization to take over my New Santa Ana blog as well, so we can dedicate it 100% to serving our community.

I should also note that part of the reason that I am leaving is that over the past year I have tired of all the attacks by the Liberal OC bloggers on myself and this blog.  They are now trying to find out who my clients are and who our blogger Sean Mill works for.  And of course they are suing me.  Their behavior is insane and creepy.  I am hoping that they will leave Nelson alone as he take over as our editor, given that he, like them, is a Democrat.  The difference is that Nelson is a real Democrat while the blue boys at the Liberal OC are now in league with Red County editor Matt Cunningham and other despicable Republicans.  Gross!

One more note, I am going to be working with our webmaster, Terry Crowley, to completely redesign the Orange Juice blog.  We are hoping to have it going by next month.  Thanks to Terry for all he does for us!

Thanks again for reading the Orange Juice.  Without you we would not be the top political blog in Orange County!  I am fully confident that Nelson will continue our fine tradition of covering politics in Orange County from every angle.  More importantly, I suspect he will be kindler and gentler and perhaps won’t raise hackles as much as I do.  I urge all of our bloggers and readers to give their full support to Nelson as he takes the helm!

About Art Pedroza