Zach de la Rocha, of Rage Against the Machine, is standing up against Arizona’s Racial Profiling law, SB 1070. And he is not alone. All over the U.S., people are talking about boycotting Arizona.
Even California Republican gubernatorial candidates Steve Poizner and Meg Whitman have come out against SB 1070!
Yes, Zorro is gay. Zorro is gay in San Francisco, black in South Africa, an Asian in Europe, a Chicano in San Ysidro, an anarchist in Spain, a Palestinian in Israel, a Mayan Indian in the streets of San Cristobal, a Jew in Germany, a Gypsy in Poland, a Mohawk in Quebec, a pacifist in Bosnia, a single woman on the Metro at 10pm, a peasant without land, a gang member in Santa Ana, an unemployed worker, an unhappy student and, of course, a good government advocate in Anaheim.
Zorro is all the exploited, marginalized, oppressed minorities resisting and saying `Enough'. He or she is every minority who is now beginning to speak and every majority that must shut up and listen. He or she is every untolerated group searching for a way to speak. Everything that makes power and the good consciences of those in power uncomfortable -- this is Zorro.
All over the U.S., people are talking about boycotting Arizona.
So how many would that be…50 people (57 if you’re obama)?
Come on…Most of the people talking about boycotting Arizonia are Californians. But why?
Here’s my theory. Even without the new law, Arizona has been cracking down on illegals for years now. Best guesses say their illegal pop. peaked about 2 years ago. So where did they go? Most likely back to Mexico or California. Smart people would know that the influx of illegals in Calif. created an additional burden on an already fragile economy. So it’s best to try to stop the flow by showing support with a boycott. And in the process get as many imbeciles onboard as possible.
It’s actually a pretty underhanded way of trying to keep these folks in Arizona and out of Calif. Y’all should be ashamed of yourselves.
For what it’s worth, I think the AZ law is unconstitutional. It doesn’t matter though. I’m sure things are playing out just the way the AZ gov. planned. It won’t be long before their illegal population is manageable. As for Califoria…hey how bout them Angels!
I am hearing that much of southern Arizona, including the Tucson region, looks like a Home Depot parking lot with people wandering about looking for something to do.
Pat Bertroche – a Republican contender for the 3rd District Congressional primary in Iowa – suggested at a candidates forum this week that undocumented workers be treated like pets:
“I think we should catch ’em, we should document ’em, make sure we know where they are and where they are going,” said Pat Bertroche, an Urbandale physician. “I actually support microchipping them. I can microchip my dog so I can find it. Why can’t I microchip an illegal?”
Bertroche wasn’t joking:
“That’s not a popular thing to say, but it’s a lot cheaper than building a fence they can tunnel under,” Bertroche said.
The bill has 60%+ support nationwide and even more in Arizona. Boycotts against Arizona will fail as they usually do. Hysterical liberalism will not win the day, and with the news that illegals are now threatening to leave AZ because of the new law, look for support for such legislation to spread to other states. It’s working.
If poizner is against a bill that only makes sense.. Then he absolutely has lost my vote!
We have a massive problem in this state … Art, said it!.. One of the most overrun cities that is full of illegal immigrants is also the most dangerous and it will only get worst!
What exactly does that even mean? Full? How many is that? Do you have factual knowledge of the number of illegals in any given city? Or are you just talking out your arse again?
Worse yet, are you just ignorantly assuming that anyone with brown skin is here illegally?
The State of Arizona ROCKS!!! I’m proud of them for taking lead on something that should have been done a long time ago.
I can only hope and pray that California soon follows and passes a similar Bill here.
I bet we see a lot of other states follow through on this now. Woo hoo!!! There’s hope for America yet.
I am sensing a win-win for Quinn. Hear me out, Quinn et al.
Arizona’s SB 1070 forces officers of the law to check documentation of anybody who APPEARS to be possibly illegal, and it enforces that by allowing Arizona citizens to SUE the police if they fail to check. Given AZ’s high unemployment, this is guaranteed to create a whole new class of opportunists who will be able to make lots of money following cops around and suing them when they miss possible illegals.
Given Quinn’s sharp eye for brown folks, she should be a natural fit for that calling, if she just moves to Arizona! I would invite her to send us little comments from out there – but NO MORE THAN ONCE A WEEK! – so we can get a little taste of how the law is working.
Other arguments in favor of this Quinn move: She and her hubby find California taxes too cumbersome, and I doubt they even have a state tax there! There is currently no gubernatorial candidate in California that she can in good conscience vote for, as e-Meg and the Poize have just laudably come out in opposition to SB 1070. And…
I think there was one more thing. But overall, we really want Quinn to have a great adventure. See how I look out for my readers! What do you say Michelle?
i belive 60 % of the people are fine with this law and it cracks me up that zoro /aka a.p . uses a anarchist at the front of this piece that their symble of the band rage is non other that CHE .
Mr. Polk, in 1848 you took my great grandaddy’s money and bought the land, you didn’t take it. I know at your advanced age you probably don’t remember the little details anymore.
#3 Mr. Polk, you didn’t get much of a fight, at least outside of Texas. Because all the people who were northern Mexicans back in 1850-60 either didn’t care who their distant government was, or – in many, maybe most cases – preferred to live in US democracy rather than the constantly shifting dictators, warlords, and extremists who ran Mexico.
And it hasn’t changed. Most of these people want to be good, hard-working, tax-paying, law-abiding US citizens. Thanks for the southwest, now go back to sleep sir.
I say lets do what AZ is doing – simple really. I also think voting for Mr. Bill Hunt will help too and cutting out all of the entitlements..
” Given Quinn’s sharp eye for brown folks,”
I am married, I already have my tan man! (black Irish) 🙂
“There is currently no gubernatorial candidate in California that she can in good conscience vote for, as e-Meg and the Poize have just laudably come out in opposition to SB 1070. And…”
MQ says:
Vern, Vern – don’t you realize politics is being played here!
What do you want to bet me that he will suddenly see the light!
The AZ bill is to protect the citizen’s of AZ. They are the one’s who live with the rapes, murders, extortion, hugh welfare burden.. 70% of the AZ people have asked for help and they just got it with this tough and completely sensible bill..
1. I don’t want to have to find my birth certificate, get a passport or whatever, and make sure I have it on me every time I walk down the street for a packet of smokes. Nor do I want my darker-skinned friends to have to go thru that either. For example:
2. I don’t want my buddy Victor to have to worry about proving his citizenship every time he catches a zealous cop’s eye. He’s very proud of having become a citizen about five years ago, after five years of trying (and at least a decade of working two jobs, paying taxes, and being happily married to a lily-white Americana.) And I’m proud as well for my little bit of helping him with a letter of recommendation and with studying for the tests. Just some of the experience I have with what a long, difficult and capricious process it is right now, to become a US citizen. I don’t think he should go thru the humiliation of constantly showing proof of citizenship any more than I should.
3. I don’t even think my friend Delia, who is a documented, hard-working, tax-paying Mexican immigrant, should be hassled due to her brown skin and Spanish last name, to have to prove her legal status to random busybodies beside her employer. Her driver’s license should be enough – if she even breaks the speed limit which is hard to picture.
4. I don’t want our cops, and our system, to be held hostage to busybody RACISTS like Quinn, whom SB 1070 would enable to sue over cops’ neglecting to harass brown people. HA! SB 1070 in California? Even e-Meg and Poizner know better than that! (Sadly, Bill Hunt and Allan Mansoor – whether dull implements or canny demagogues – don’t seem so sure.)
Quinn to Arizona! It’s brilliant! Let’s raise funds! She’ll be able to pay us back with all her lawsuit earnings – at least until SB 1070 is found unconstitutional, or amnesty makes it moot, or AZ caves to baseball boycotts.
“I don’t want our cops, and our system, to be held hostage to busybody RACISTS like Quinn, whom SB 1070 ”
MQ says:
Yeah, and I am the one waiting for all the old,” brown people “to die..I Love the way the wacko liberals try to turn it around!
Did you watch the utube video i posted? I don’t know about you, but it was pretty creepy.. THOSE WHITES ARE NOT HAVING BABIES.. yeah that is because we are to busy paying for your’s! STUPID, STUPID!
Its sounded pretty racist to me.. though I tend to believe Mexicans (not all) don’t have such a glowing respect for whites in this country… No matter who we are!
And please tell me are cops afraid of busy bodies? Do busybodies run the police department??
The only people that are being harass are the AZ people ( who are brown, white,black, pink).. Wack jobs would rather see people raped, kidnapped, murdered than enforce the law.
But I suppose the video show MEXICAN activist’s for what they are WACK JOBS.. dangerous WACK JOBS.. who if AZ backs down with the bill will be responsible for the deaths, harassment, and kidnapping of many more people.
American’s need to realize that RACIST”S is code for American Citizen .. And you are not liked!
Being Brown has nothing to do with being a burden to this country.. The people of AZ have been Burden way to long with another countries problem…
I am hoping AMERICAN’s will no longer take bulling from Hispanics from South of the border and mentally ill Americans. We need to Stand up and protect are own interest’s, because quite frankly..Its seams that Mexican’s ( not all) would like to see us dead!
From watching all the pro-illegal marches – YOU ARE NOTHING BUT WHITE RACIST PIGS!
You can not get a driver’s license if you are Illegal in AZ state.. NO license NO insurance NO Insurance NO registration – No passport – No Green Card -deportation- No problem!
Thats the way it usually works unless you are hispanic from south of the border…
Illegal immigrant – “officer if you arrest me, you will be considered a racist – just an FYI…”
Officer_ “Oh really, that’s not good, ok then, see ya!
Illegal Immigrant thinking to himself- ” Man those busy body cops sure are dumb!”
That’s the way the hispanic’s and hispanic activist’s want it to work, but sorry that is NOT how It works!
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I have heard that Happy Hands carwash is also taking a stand against the bill and a youtube video is forthcoming.
All over the U.S., people are talking about boycotting Arizona.
So how many would that be…50 people (57 if you’re obama)?
Come on…Most of the people talking about boycotting Arizonia are Californians. But why?
Here’s my theory. Even without the new law, Arizona has been cracking down on illegals for years now. Best guesses say their illegal pop. peaked about 2 years ago. So where did they go? Most likely back to Mexico or California. Smart people would know that the influx of illegals in Calif. created an additional burden on an already fragile economy. So it’s best to try to stop the flow by showing support with a boycott. And in the process get as many imbeciles onboard as possible.
It’s actually a pretty underhanded way of trying to keep these folks in Arizona and out of Calif. Y’all should be ashamed of yourselves.
For what it’s worth, I think the AZ law is unconstitutional. It doesn’t matter though. I’m sure things are playing out just the way the AZ gov. planned. It won’t be long before their illegal population is manageable. As for Califoria…hey how bout them Angels!
I settled this issue back in 1848–I just took the land.
I am hearing that much of southern Arizona, including the Tucson region, looks like a Home Depot parking lot with people wandering about looking for something to do.
First step; racial profiling, next step;
Pat Bertroche – a Republican contender for the 3rd District Congressional primary in Iowa – suggested at a candidates forum this week that undocumented workers be treated like pets:
“I think we should catch ’em, we should document ’em, make sure we know where they are and where they are going,” said Pat Bertroche, an Urbandale physician. “I actually support microchipping them. I can microchip my dog so I can find it. Why can’t I microchip an illegal?”
Bertroche wasn’t joking:
“That’s not a popular thing to say, but it’s a lot cheaper than building a fence they can tunnel under,” Bertroche said.
Of course, NOW he says he was joking.
The bill has 60%+ support nationwide and even more in Arizona. Boycotts against Arizona will fail as they usually do. Hysterical liberalism will not win the day, and with the news that illegals are now threatening to leave AZ because of the new law, look for support for such legislation to spread to other states. It’s working.
If poizner is against a bill that only makes sense.. Then he absolutely has lost my vote!
We have a massive problem in this state … Art, said it!.. One of the most overrun cities that is full of illegal immigrants is also the most dangerous and it will only get worst!
“…full of illegal immigrants…”
What exactly does that even mean? Full? How many is that? Do you have factual knowledge of the number of illegals in any given city? Or are you just talking out your arse again?
Worse yet, are you just ignorantly assuming that anyone with brown skin is here illegally?
The State of Arizona ROCKS!!! I’m proud of them for taking lead on something that should have been done a long time ago.
I can only hope and pray that California soon follows and passes a similar Bill here.
I bet we see a lot of other states follow through on this now. Woo hoo!!! There’s hope for America yet.
I am sensing a win-win for Quinn. Hear me out, Quinn et al.
Arizona’s SB 1070 forces officers of the law to check documentation of anybody who APPEARS to be possibly illegal, and it enforces that by allowing Arizona citizens to SUE the police if they fail to check. Given AZ’s high unemployment, this is guaranteed to create a whole new class of opportunists who will be able to make lots of money following cops around and suing them when they miss possible illegals.
Given Quinn’s sharp eye for brown folks, she should be a natural fit for that calling, if she just moves to Arizona! I would invite her to send us little comments from out there – but NO MORE THAN ONCE A WEEK! – so we can get a little taste of how the law is working.
Other arguments in favor of this Quinn move: She and her hubby find California taxes too cumbersome, and I doubt they even have a state tax there! There is currently no gubernatorial candidate in California that she can in good conscience vote for, as e-Meg and the Poize have just laudably come out in opposition to SB 1070. And…
I think there was one more thing. But overall, we really want Quinn to have a great adventure. See how I look out for my readers! What do you say Michelle?
i belive 60 % of the people are fine with this law and it cracks me up that zoro /aka a.p . uses a anarchist at the front of this piece that their symble of the band rage is non other that CHE .
Mr. Polk, in 1848 you took my great grandaddy’s money and bought the land, you didn’t take it. I know at your advanced age you probably don’t remember the little details anymore.
#3 Mr. Polk, you didn’t get much of a fight, at least outside of Texas. Because all the people who were northern Mexicans back in 1850-60 either didn’t care who their distant government was, or – in many, maybe most cases – preferred to live in US democracy rather than the constantly shifting dictators, warlords, and extremists who ran Mexico.
And it hasn’t changed. Most of these people want to be good, hard-working, tax-paying, law-abiding US citizens. Thanks for the southwest, now go back to sleep sir.
I say lets do what AZ is doing – simple really. I also think voting for Mr. Bill Hunt will help too and cutting out all of the entitlements..
” Given Quinn’s sharp eye for brown folks,”
I am married, I already have my tan man! (black Irish) 🙂
“There is currently no gubernatorial candidate in California that she can in good conscience vote for, as e-Meg and the Poize have just laudably come out in opposition to SB 1070. And…”
MQ says:
Vern, Vern – don’t you realize politics is being played here!
What do you want to bet me that he will suddenly see the light!
The AZ bill is to protect the citizen’s of AZ. They are the one’s who live with the rapes, murders, extortion, hugh welfare burden.. 70% of the AZ people have asked for help and they just got it with this tough and completely sensible bill..
Why are Mexican Activist’s against it..This!
They are off there friggin Rockers!
“Full of Illegal Immigrants”, bad choice of words – Sorry!
Mostly Illegal immigrants!
Is that better?
I say lets do what AZ is doing – simple really.
I disrespectfully disagree.
1. I don’t want to have to find my birth certificate, get a passport or whatever, and make sure I have it on me every time I walk down the street for a packet of smokes. Nor do I want my darker-skinned friends to have to go thru that either. For example:
2. I don’t want my buddy Victor to have to worry about proving his citizenship every time he catches a zealous cop’s eye. He’s very proud of having become a citizen about five years ago, after five years of trying (and at least a decade of working two jobs, paying taxes, and being happily married to a lily-white Americana.) And I’m proud as well for my little bit of helping him with a letter of recommendation and with studying for the tests. Just some of the experience I have with what a long, difficult and capricious process it is right now, to become a US citizen. I don’t think he should go thru the humiliation of constantly showing proof of citizenship any more than I should.
3. I don’t even think my friend Delia, who is a documented, hard-working, tax-paying Mexican immigrant, should be hassled due to her brown skin and Spanish last name, to have to prove her legal status to random busybodies beside her employer. Her driver’s license should be enough – if she even breaks the speed limit which is hard to picture.
4. I don’t want our cops, and our system, to be held hostage to busybody RACISTS like Quinn, whom SB 1070 would enable to sue over cops’ neglecting to harass brown people. HA! SB 1070 in California? Even e-Meg and Poizner know better than that! (Sadly, Bill Hunt and Allan Mansoor – whether dull implements or canny demagogues – don’t seem so sure.)
Quinn to Arizona! It’s brilliant! Let’s raise funds! She’ll be able to pay us back with all her lawsuit earnings – at least until SB 1070 is found unconstitutional, or amnesty makes it moot, or AZ caves to baseball boycotts.
Vern, if you are driving a car you are required to provide your documentaion to any peace officer on demand.
“I don’t want our cops, and our system, to be held hostage to busybody RACISTS like Quinn, whom SB 1070 ”
MQ says:
Yeah, and I am the one waiting for all the old,” brown people “to die..I Love the way the wacko liberals try to turn it around!
Did you watch the utube video i posted? I don’t know about you, but it was pretty creepy.. THOSE WHITES ARE NOT HAVING BABIES.. yeah that is because we are to busy paying for your’s! STUPID, STUPID!
Its sounded pretty racist to me.. though I tend to believe Mexicans (not all) don’t have such a glowing respect for whites in this country… No matter who we are!
And please tell me are cops afraid of busy bodies? Do busybodies run the police department??
The only people that are being harass are the AZ people ( who are brown, white,black, pink).. Wack jobs would rather see people raped, kidnapped, murdered than enforce the law.
But I suppose the video show MEXICAN activist’s for what they are WACK JOBS.. dangerous WACK JOBS.. who if AZ backs down with the bill will be responsible for the deaths, harassment, and kidnapping of many more people.
American’s need to realize that RACIST”S is code for American Citizen .. And you are not liked!
Being Brown has nothing to do with being a burden to this country.. The people of AZ have been Burden way to long with another countries problem…
I am hoping AMERICAN’s will no longer take bulling from Hispanics from South of the border and mentally ill Americans. We need to Stand up and protect are own interest’s, because quite frankly..Its seams that Mexican’s ( not all) would like to see us dead!
From watching all the pro-illegal marches – YOU ARE NOTHING BUT WHITE RACIST PIGS!
Just my opinion based on observation!
I actually feel sorry for all the illegal immigrants who are saying “man these activists are going to screw it all up”..
YOU are right, they are.. for all immigrants.
The American people will not tolerate this much long and immigration will no longer be welcomed from anywhere!
FYI… IMMIGRANTS are required to carry their green cards around with them.. Just incase a nosey cop should ask??
yeah know looking back, i had a very cute cop ask me for my Green Card once… RACIST.. now I know what his intentions were..
I thought he was stopping me for a traffic violation!
WISE UP , because the gig is up!
Cook: Vern, if you are driving a car you are required to provide your documentaion to any peace officer on demand.
Yeah, driver’s license, registration and proof of insurance – no problem!
You can not get a driver’s license if you are Illegal in AZ state.. NO license NO insurance NO Insurance NO registration – No passport – No Green Card -deportation- No problem!
Thats the way it usually works unless you are hispanic from south of the border…
Illegal immigrant – “officer if you arrest me, you will be considered a racist – just an FYI…”
Officer_ “Oh really, that’s not good, ok then, see ya!
Illegal Immigrant thinking to himself- ” Man those busy body cops sure are dumb!”
That’s the way the hispanic’s and hispanic activist’s want it to work, but sorry that is NOT how It works!