(The lower house’s bill to audit the Fed was successfully pushed by Ron Paul and Alan Grayson.)
Our friends at Firedoglake sent this out this morning:
Hi Vern.
The Senate is about to debate financial reform legislation. While the bill itself is far from what’s needed to shut down Wall Street’s casinos, we have a big opportunity to bring real accountability to the big banks.
The Federal Reserve, the central bank for the United States, spent more than $2 trillion in secret bailouts for big banks during the financial crisis. Problem is, it’s refusing to give any details about how it spent that huge sum of money.
If we can audit the Fed, we can find out how it propped up which big banks, bringing accountability to our financial system. Big Banks and their bought-off members of Congress have tried to stop them every step of the way. And the banks almost won.
Now we have a real shot at forcing – and winning – a vote to Audit the Fed on the floor of the Senate next week. But that’s only if we can rise up and beat back the big banks.
Auditing the Fed is a way to add real teeth to the financial regulation bill. That’s why throughout the financial reform debate, Reps. Alan Grayson and Ron Paul have led the fight to audit the Fed.
While the bulk of financial reform legislation has been watered down by big bank lobbyists, the bill isn’t subject to a simple all-or-nothing vote like health care reform. The Senate will actually allow votes on amendments to the bill, creating the opportunity to include “Audit the Fed” language in financial reform.
Senator Bernie Sanders, leading a bipartisan group of Senators that includes Russ Feingold, Ron Wyden, Chuck Grassley, Jim DeMint and Sam Brownback, has an amendment to audit the Fed that would do nothing more than allow taxpayers to look at how money was spent following the financial collapse in 2008. The little information released by the Fed shows $2 trillion in bailouts to prop up failing banks, but we don’t know more details.
That doesn’t stop members of Congress owned by the big banks from doing all they can stop the movement to audit the Fed.
The only people who really know what happens at the Fed are the bankers themselves.
Not only would auditing the Fed expose the ways in which trillions of dollars were used to bailout too-big-to-fail banks, but also force our senators to choose sides. Either they’re in favor of greater accountability to the American public, or they’re in favor of preserving the secret deals for the benefit of Wall Street profits.
Auditing the Fed could restore the public’s trust in our financial system, and help us avoid another mismanaged disaster from occurring. With your help, we can end the historic secrecy surrounding the Fed.
Thanks for all you do.
Michael Whitney
Bravo! Have you read Creature from Jekyll Island?
Add your name to a letter asking the Senate to vote on an amendment to audit the Federal Reserve and find out what happened to $2 trillion for the big banks. Click here to sign
Why go through the long drawn out process of a senate vote?
This is what YOU ALREADY voted for:
In a Sept. 22 campaign speech, Obama promised to “make our government open and transparent so that anyone can ensure that our business is the people’s business.”
Why don’t you hold obama to his promise? Afraid of being called a racist? A bigot? A hatemonger?
FU firedoglibs.
You won’t find any more tireless critics of Obama on the left than Firedoglake. yeah the guy’s let us down on lots of fronts. Somehow that means we shouldn’t harass the senate to do the right thing as well? I don’t believe you have a point here Mr. Middleground.
You won’t find any more tireless critics of Obama on the left than Firedoglake.
You could be right. I don’t visit the site (maybe I should give them a chance). The first time I heard of firedoglake was on c-span one early morning during the last presidential primaries. The segment was wraping up and the host asked the firedoglake blogger(Meagan? something or other) who her favorite president WAS. Her answer…”the first black president, the first woman president”. No joke. I reasoned that this type of idiocy permeates the site. So I never went there.
Ok, as a favor to Vern I take back the FU….for now.
This should be a no brainer, but unfortunately it appears likely to die in the Senate.
Thank you Allan – see you guys, that’s a SENSIBLE conservative.
You gonna join our humble blog team?