OC GOP Chairman Scott Baugh, at the Tax Day Tea Party in Santa Ana, on April 15
In case you are wondering what went on at the Tax Day Tea Party in Santa Ana, I have posted video that was shot by past Mayoral candidate George Collins.
Rancho Santiago Community College District Phil Yarborough opened the event. He was followed by a guy who sounded like he was a birther.
Then some guy dressed up as a patriot got up and complained about how the British taxed the heck out of the colonial Americans.
Click here to see the Santa Ana Tax Day Tea Party Video and to read the rest of this post.
Will George be running for Mayor of Santa Ana again? Will Art Pedroza be supporting him again? Is Mr. Collins a Democrat? Does Mr. Collins believe Obama was born in the U.S.?
Is tonight the night that Hunt will officially get the support of the O.C. GOP at Central Comm.?
Will George or other members of the O.J. video team be at the Republican Central Committee meeting tonight? I understand there will be some real political fireworks. Can Hunter get support from the GOP even though he tried to get the Union’s help? Will Curt Pringle be able to get Harry Siduu the GOP nod? I wish I could attend.
I am making that decision as I received this notice of post. I am waiting to get an agenda, if there is one from the GOP. Once I receive an agenda the decision will be made. I was asked to post the “no endorsement for any republican receiving Union monies” video the other day. That is on youtube search “santaanainsight”. I suspect there will be some discussion because the video does exist and is clear. Does the GOP have HUEVOS
Thank God for cameras and good microphones..