A Conspiracy of Foxes? Actress Megan joins our Melissa in fighting against school funding cuts.

Damn. They’re making it harder for us outlaw bloggers to embed videos these days, but this is worth seeing. Actress Megan Fox and her boyfriend something-something, star in a very entertaining video dramatizing the effects that education cuts are having even in their kid’s upper-class school.

We Californians have for decades now been truly on the losing end of a great War On Education, driven by greedy corporations who’ve successfully reduced their taxes steadily over the years, and dead-eyed ideologues sworn to decimate our public education system and create a generation of dummies.  Self-evidently an effed-up vision for the Golden State’s future.

Even Art’s boy Steven Choi has told The Register that he wants to reverse the recent education cuts, although he has no clear idea on how to fund that.  The best thing you and I can do is elect leaders like Melissa and Phu, who DO have ideas on how we can return California to being a functioning state with a lively vibrant education system for ALL our kids.  (If you haven’t read my posts on that, just ask in comments.)

Here’s Melissa’s latest blog post, it’s upbeat:

Still the Luckiest People in the World.

Living in the 70th Assembly District makes us some of the most fortunate people in the world.

As we head into the final days of the June 8 primary, most of what we hear from candidates is about what is wrong with California and our communities and what it will take to fix them.

I have done quite a bit of that myself, pointing to our misguided budget priorities that have put our children’s education behind keeping unproductive corporate tax loopholes.

But there are so many things that are wonderful about our state and our district, and for all our problems, I would rather live here than anywhere else in the world.

We have an inspiring ocean, beautiful beaches, and still-rugged wilderness areas, which I have had the honor of helping to protect as a member of the Orange County Ranger Reserve. Our schools, despite their budget problems and over-crowding, are still among the best in the state, thanks in large part to the tremendous efforts of our teachers and the dedication of parents. UC Irvine is a world-class university, attracting the best and brightest students and faculty, and the most innovative businesses, to our district. There is our growing diversity, as people from every part of the world come here to share in our heritage of freedom and pursue the American Dream. There is our entrepreneurial spirit – six of the eight Orange County finalists for the prestigious Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year are located right here in the 70th Assembly District.

We have a lot to be grateful for — and to be proud of.

The California Dream is still alive. If you have not yet registered to vote in the June 8 primary, please do so today (the last day to register).  [whoops, a little late on that one, but I reminded you ad nauseam – V] Together, we can make our communities even stronger, our economy more productive, our seniors more secure and our children better prepared for the future.


May 24, 2010

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at vernpnelson@gmail.com, or 714-235-VERN.