UPDATE 5/4/10 – New, fairer poll:
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Can’t get over that poll – since January, over 400 of you have taken it, and 84% want to see these two recalled. Oh, right – today’s news. Recall advocates had 160 days to collect 22,000 signatures to recall these two knuckle-dragging foes of education this November; they managed to get 32,000 in SIXTY days. Talk about overkill – reminds me of this poll. Here, check out the press release (hat-tip to the OC Progressive’s tireless Heather) :
For Immediate Release May 2, 2010
Over the past 60 days, petitions have been circulated within the Capistrano Unified School District to recall Mike Winsten and Ken Maddox from the CUSD Board of Trustees. Parents for Local Control is pleased to announce that, as of May 2, 2010, more than 32,000 signatures have been collected on recall petitions for both Winsten and Maddox.
Unlike previous recall attempts, the current effort was accomplished using only volunteers. The recall was financed from individuals living within CUSD, most of whom donated up to $99 to Parents for Local Control. Less than $10,000 was spent for printing, advertising and other costs.
The Orange County Registrar of Voters allowed 160 days to collect 22,000 valid signatures for each of the trustees being recalled. We began on March 1, 2010. Parents for Local Control collected over 32,000 signatures in less than 60 days in order to qualify this recall for the November 2, 2010 General Election ballot. There is minimal cost for the recall election if it is part of the November General Election. In contrast, the June 2008 Recall election that first elected Trustee Maddox cost CUSD almost $800,000 and was scheduled just weeks after the June primary election and only a few months before the November 2008 General Election. The $800,000 for this unnecessary election came directly out of the CUSD general fund and therefore out of the classrooms. Parents for Local Control refuses to force a special election and place this recall on the General Election ballot.
Over 80% of the volunteers who circulated the recall petitions were parents. Petition signatures were gathered from voters living in all areas and communities within the Capistrano Unified School District. The teachers “union” (CUEA, CTA, NEA) was not involved in initiating, planning, organizing or financing this recall effort. Parents for Local Control has maintained a strict distance from other groups active within CUSD.
No other recall effort has attempted to qualify a recall in less than half of the allowable time or without paid signature gatherers. The fact that volunteers collected over 10,000 more petition signatures than needed in less than two months is unprecedented. Parents for Local Control will submit all petitions and signatures to the OC Registrar of Voters later this month to allow sufficient time to verify the signatures and permit the recall election to be scheduled for the November ballot. Signature gathering will continue up to the time that the petitions are submitted to the Registrar of Voters.
Years of broken promises, out of control spending, secret meetings, and votes to award financial settlements to individuals that financially supported their campaigns has created the necessity to remove Trustees Winsten and Maddox from office before they complete their terms. The voters of South Orange County are highly motivated to remove and replace both Ken Maddox and Mike Winsten from the CUSD Board of Trustees at the earliest possible opportunity.
Unlike yourself, at least the CRP’s good for something. How much does being a union tool pay?
Ah, my ever-metamorphosing nemesis formerly known as “Golightly.” What’sa matter, did you get embarrassed when you found out your handle was the brand name for an industrial-strength laxative?
Disolve CAPO, and turn control over to the OC board of Education.
With the problem of self government way beyond the abilities of the south county locals to ???.
Then the county board can spin off smaller, city wide district dedcated to education.
So the only way to vote “No” is to say recalls subvert democracy? What those of us who are just tired of the union-Kutnick lies repeated again in this pathetic press release and would like to vote “No” because we’re part of the majority of O.C. voters who elected and supported these reform board members who, true to their campaign promises, have had the guts to stand up to the selfish union and their hysterical supporters. This poll is a joke. Whoever crafted the questions for it will certainly get the anti-board answers he/she wanted by design. Big deal. It’s too biased even for Orange Juice.
You know what Marie, I was thinking the same thing. I didn’t make this poll. I think I’ll start a new one. It’s still impressive nearly 400 votes for recall. But let’s see how many OJ readers are against the recall and just didn’t find answers 2 and 3 acceptable. gimme a couple minutes…
You can deflect by being cute about it, but it still doesn’t address the fundamental flaw with the poll and the apparent made-to-order results.
Who’s being cute? I agree with you about the old poll, which I didn’t create. So I made a new one. And it will be up till November 2. I don’t see that YOU voted no, for someone who cares so much about polls!
I’m on the verge of filing you under “some people you just can’t please.” And we’ll cross paths again, because I’ve just started immersing myself in this issue.
Oh – it just struck me – you didn’t see the new poll (that I put up 2 days ago.) It’s up at the top of the story.
Marie T
The recall is organized by people that once voted for these trustees and opposed Fleming and the “old guard”. This has NOTHING to do with Kutnick or the unions so when you claim such misinformation you reveal your bias to be one that can’t learn from the facts placed in front of you.
These two knuckle-dragging enemies of public education have wasted the District’s money, squandered precious resources by hiring their friends and associates for jobs and they approved out of court settlements that resulted in over $655,000 being sent to people that financed their elections.
How can you possibly defend these two people?
South Orange County has lost patience with these trustees. They ALL have to go.
Recall, Remove, Recover – November 2, 2010