Here we are in a radical year of throwing out the long entrenched and good old boyz of politics. Thankfully, Arlen Spectre…..”Mr. Single Bullet Theory has finally bitten the dust. Don’t worry so much about Arlen however, there are thousands of hefty big Non-Profit Organizations just waiting for Arlen to step up and take hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. Arlen will not be out of work long. Arlen has 30 years of dirt on the big guys and without a doubt his after Senate activities will exceed anything he has done in the U.S. Senate.
Next, Christopher Dodd, the Banker’s Friend. Chris Dodd has his eyes set on some big consulting job with Goldman-Sachs after he gets his butt ousted in his next election run. Chris is so blatant about it….he is challenging Blanche Lincoln, the under pressure Senator from Arkansas that actually wants, needs and has to demand hefty Bank Regulations which would include restricting regular banks from any Derivative or Hedge Fund activity. Not only is this Regulation necessary…but critically pivotal. Good luck Blanche, hope you can stay the course. Without that rule, you will not be re-elected!
Chris Dodd, says – “No way Blanche!” his buddies on Wall Street and those National and International Banks believe that without Derivatives and Hedge Funds…….they can’t make those “super return on investment” from the poor and downtrodden who will be looking at ramping up home prices by double digits, so they can rake in “mega-sized profitis”! Saying that Chris is in the pocket, in bed with, or eats at the same pig trough that his buddies on Wall Street do….would be a strictly understatement!
“Mr. Connecticut” Chris Dodd will be voted out the next time he runs. Does he care? Not much….he has already made his covenant “with the devil”. How do we know? Doesn’t everyone? Look at every major politician that has left office to go to powerful, well-paid jobs in the private sector….whatever that means! Names rise like the peverbial Phoenix, “Caryle Group”, “Kellogg Brown and Root”, “Goldman-Sachs”,” J.P. Morgan” and “Haliburton” just to name the well known few.
Who knows where these people will end up eventually. One thing is clear, they are legacied into the system. They have already joined the club and already have entree to all that comes afterward. No big thing, there is nothing wrong with providing a service for a decent wage. The problems come when they wind up stealing it from the poor and giving it to rich with out compunctions.
For those that haven’t seen Robin Hood with Russell Crowe, we would heartily endorse having you see it – as soon as possible. A great story about politics! A great story about duplicity! A great story about Banking in the 12th Century! “Rise and Rise Again – until Lambs become Lions” Thank you Robin of the Hood!
Mr. Single Bullet has left the building – but we will still be watching him…!
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