Exclusive – Lee McGroarty fires back at Congressman Gary Miller.


We are pleased to provide a platform for 42nd-district Republican candidate Lee McGroarty to respond to the comments of notoriously crooked RINO incumbent Gary Miller, who gets all the press he needs in his district.  Here is Lee:

In response to my call for a criminal investigation, Congressman Miller was interviewed by The Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, the newspaper in San Bernardino County. Miller said the following “If he wants to run to the newspaper like a little girl then go ahead. If I wasn’t a politician, then I’d sue.” Congressman Miller, for starters, I went to the DA’s office and provided evidence that I believe may assist in an already ongoing investigation of corruption in San Bernardino County, Second, I take offense to your little girl comment. I am running because of my three little girls, who are all under the age of 10 years old. Third, you wouldn’t be getting earmarks that benefit your business interest if you were NOT a politician. As a politician, you are held to a higher standard. If there appears to be a conflict of interest, then avoid any sense of impropriety. Congressman Miller, you are constantly in the middle of these “conflicts”. Don’t you understand that your actions do matter, especially when you are using our Federal Tax Dollars?

I am running because a Conservative Republican Congressman claims to be against spending yet runs up a TAB on the American People via Earmarks. Miller can have excuse after excuse but doesn’t anyone understand that we are supposed to be against spending and PORK? Does anyone question why Miller is getting Earmarks in the first place? For the record, I am a Republican. I always have been. I am very proud to have received the endorsements of the Conservative Party (California), iCaucus, SOC912 just to name a few. I chose to run because Miller voted to weaken the standards of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and FHA that caused the economic meltdown. He then voted for TARP, TALF and Cash for Clunkers. John Boehner on March 11th called for a MORATORIUM on Earmarks by Republicans. Why did he issue that moratorium? Could it be for people like Miller? I think I know the answer.

For those who criticize Libertarians, Tea Parties or people like me that want what is best for our country, I ask them this question: Do you care that Miller is getting earmarks? Do you care that he constantly gets earmarks outside his district…all of which his business or parnters have land deals pending? Do you care that he voted for TARP and Cash for Clunkers? What kind of Republicans or conservatives are we that we can’t hold our elected officials accountable for their actions? I asked other politicians to run against Miller and they all refused because their “political careers” will be cut short by the Republican Party and the Miller machine. Frankly, I am tired of electing career politicians that spend more time getting elected than they do representing the People of their district. I am running to give people a choice in June. We deserve better and I know I am better that what Miller has shown in his 12 years. Join me in standing up for the people of our district or stay with him and continue to get mediocrity and scandal that will surely follow this elected official.

P.S. Lee: Any progress finding out about Gary’s mysterious one-year alleged Army stint?

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at vernpnelson@gmail.com, or 714-235-VERN.