Remember former SAUSD Trustee Nadia Maria Davis? She is in hot water now, up north, in Alameda, where her husband, State Treasurer Bill Lockyer, is trying to get her elected to the Alameda County Board of Supervisors.
“Nadia Lockyer, a candidate for the Alameda County Board of Supervisors and the wife of longtime politician and state Treasurer Bill Lockyer, has described herself on her campaign Web site as a deputy district attorney in the East Bay,” according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
Lockyer, who is registered as an attorney with the state bar, is in fact the executive director of the Alameda County Family Justice Center, a nonprofit center for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and abuse.
I don’t know anything about politics and I know she’s not the brightest gal to hold public office, but I used to to watch the School board meetings from start to finish just to see that hot tamale in action! Someone please explain to me how that walking ad for Viagra Lockyear snagged a super caliente little thang like that?
Maybe Gustavo can explain it.
P.S. Can we please get another mamacita like her to run for school board? Noji just doesn’t do it for me!!!
Maybe that’s what happens when you’re a real good, competent, honest state Treasurer.
The blog will do some research.
Where is the fire you just yelled out?
All I see is a haze…
With the title of this article I thought maybe she got “busted” & thrown in jail for something.
Let us know down here in the real world when you do find something juicy…
If memory serves, she was an upward mobile Sata Ana politico, enthralled by the power of Sacramento, then AG Lockyer knocked her up in a trist and she moved North.
She is hot in a forty something Mom kinda way. But I think shes only in her thirties.
actually, as her ‘sis, I can attest to the fact that is 39 years old, works really hard for her looks (body and soul), and has the deepest commitment to improving the lives of others that I’ve ever seen…equal to my father’s….whom I know was and still is her inspiration. And, most of all all, for those of you who like to criticize the kind hearted who happen to also be beautiful, in love with and married to a certain notable man – she is most proud of her work for the alameda county da’s office as executive director of the acfjc, an entire reinvention of service delivery improving systems response and efficiency for victims of violence, has NEVER claimed to be a “prosecutor,” as her losers somehow now claim, admitted that her consultants made a mistake when thinking that being a lawyer (which is she has been since 1997) who works for a DA meant she was a deputy DA and ordered ending all references to that early on in the campaign, and most importantly, has run and won on what is Nadia Davis-Lockyer = a new voice who is passionate about improving the lives of others and modeling what she has done at the ACFJC for all county departments and programs – THAT is what resonated with voters (who would rather NOT elect a prosecutor quite frankly, so thanks for pointing out that she is not one – I encourage you to spread the word more.) Thanks, A Member of the Wally Davis Family
Thanks for your comments and thanks for reading the Orange Juice blog.
I want to second the email above, which is spot on. Nadia is one of the most kind and sincere people you will ever meet; don’t let her looks get in the way. If she has a fault, it’s in overextending herself. As the Whitman campaign demonstrated, votes cannot be bought. If you followed the Alameda County campaign you know that it was dubious whether Figueroa even lived within the district. She also lacked credibility due to her neglect of properly paying her taxes. To be sure, it was not primarily a negative campaign on the part of Davis-Lockyer; her own achievements and message are what resonated most with voters. As an accomplished and independent person, her marriage to a fascinating older man rather than the hot pool boy is more testimony to her character than a count against it.